Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December's Gifts

Each month I hold a Feminine Energy Circle at my house. All kinds of interesting women come, we open an energetic vortex of sacred space, we share, we cry, we celebrate, and then we breathe. We breathe a rhythmic breath for a long time, and stuck energies get to move up and out of our bodies and energetic fields. And each time we are a little bit freer. Sometimes a lot freer. I cannot tell you how gratifying it is to watch women come back month after month, lighter, brighter, more themselves. It is the best work of my lifetime next to parenting and I am so thankful I get to do it! 

Each month I send out an email invitation, with a few words about the planetary energetics of that particular month. The planets are constantly moving, constantly creating geometric patterns within which we live our lives, largely unaware of the huge influence the resonance of these cosmic beings and their creative geometries have on, oh, EVERYTHING. I am a dabbler at best in sacred geometry which makes it easy for me to present it really simply, in a way that I hope is practical. In an effort to energize my blog, I am going to share these monthly musings with you, the Internet. You're welcome?

Greetings Beloveds! I hope December finds you warmed by the inner fires of devotional self-love and care. I have spent the entire day in my warm house, drinking cup after cup of herbal tea, catching up on everything I ignored over Thanksgiving week. I am so grateful for the copious rain falling in Southern California even now; I can feel the earth’s lushness as she soaks it in - and all her plant and animal friends get to bask in the blessing of water!

December’s prevailing energies are decidedly un-water like and are mostly about fire. Fire is a fast-moving transformative element; things can change in the blink of an eye into something entirely different, something heretofore unknown. We are supported in this energetic by the on-going Pluto-Uranus Square which is about destabilizing and/or dismantling old structures, patterns, ways of being. The transformation the world has undergone since 2012 is largely due to this influence and we get another dose of it this month as it goes exact this weekend with the full moon. We are given yet another opportunity to release ourselves from our self-imposed prison of who we think we are. We have another opportunity to see beyond ourselves, to see how our stories and beliefs about ‘self’ and the world keep us stuck in habitual patterns like a hamster on a wheel. We run and we run and we wind up where we started. This month we get an added push to simply stop, get off the wheel and look around. We have the ability to give ourselves up, to simply release any notion of ‘knowing’ and let it all fall away.  This may be scary for our personality, to let everything go, as our personality cannot conceive of a beingness beyond itself. Our souls know that who we truly are lies outside the construct of personality, so lean into the deeper wisdom of your soul while assuring your personality it isn’t doing to die. It may get a pretty good make-over though ;-)

For me, so much of this work of letting it all go takes place in the inner planes, where thoughts don’t reach. I feel this happening as I go about my daily life; my only ‘job’ is to watch and notice where it is I move from. When I run into constriction of any kind (any feeling that doesn’t feel good) I am learning to just stop and look at it. Where is it coming from? Most of the time it is my personality reacting to a thought. When I go beyond personality and connect to the endless stillness at the heart of my heart, the constriction vanishes and I can simply be with what is. This is the gift of December for me, leaning into what is.

So this month I will focus on 'What can I let go of?'  What old crusty tired thought form is begging for release?  And who will I be without it?  (Liberated and peaceful spring to heart and that's just a start...)
Happy releasing!