Holiday Greetings Beloveds! This time of year can feel a bit like a whirlwind and so our hearts may be not-so-gently reminding us to stop, step out of the spinning and allow ourselves time to pause and reflect. This is our opportunity to honor and celebrate all we have been and become this past year and to vision for what’s next. The current and pending geometries are quite tilted toward our brighter becoming; all of humanity is in it now, this earnest urge toward reclamation and transformation. Everything is changing, period. The denser energies are becoming even more so; those that cannot hold the higher and faster frequencies that are happening now are spinning off. The Pluto-Uranus Square, which has been the prevailing energy for the past 2+ years, is largely over and the house, well, it burned down. So here we stand, naked of our usual patterns, behaviors and distractions that used to run things, really seeing ourselves, our lives and the world as they truly are, perhaps for the first time. All is exposed. (Ouch.) So the discomfort, confusion, fear, whatever it might be that is presenting itself in your experience is perfectly appropriate. Your relationships may be exploding, your circumstances shifting rapidly and your life looking almost unrecognizable. Good!! You’re right on schedule. This is a perfect time to rebuild it the way you want it to look; an auspicious moment to create and become the person you have always wanted to be. It will take presence, commitment and grit - and you’ve got that in spades.
new moon, which occurred on the 11th, was a powerful portal for setting
intentions, and intentions are HUGE for this coming year because of the fact
that everything is being re-created from the ground up. If your house burns down, you are likely
not going to rebuild it exactly as it was. You are going to correct all those
little or big things that didn’t quite work. Or you may decide you want to
build a different house altogether. The bottom line is, get designing, because
the prevailing energies of 2016 will require us to build structures to support
our ‘new’ lives. And our new lives are about embodying Spirit, both
individually and collectively.
does that look exactly? For me, it looks like daily kundalini practice, done
early in the morning. My practice is a conscious communion with
Spirit/God/Consciousness. It revitalizes and invigorates the
channel through which God moves through me into this world. It is my food. It
feeds my energetic and auric field which then supports me in cultivating a life
of conscious creation and presence. It means cultivating love and compassion,
every day, with everyone, including myself. It allows me to approach the
everyday occurrences of my life with a relaxed curiosity - first a softening,
and then a holistic look at what is actually present. It means watching the
running commentary in my head, because it is often not aligned with the truth.
(I find that if I chant mantra regularly, in my practice and as background
music in my car and home, it replaces the commentary. THIS IS GOODNESS.)
set my clear intentions for the coming year at the New Moon, although this can be done anytime before the full moon on Christmas Day. I did not
create a laundry list of wants, rather I visioned for what the highest purpose
for my life is and how it wants me to participate/co-create so that it can flow
into my experience with ease. Visioning is a powerful tool to catch the current
of highest truth that is always running through our very being, moment by
moment, in all ways.
To do this, set aside at least 30 minutes in a quiet place with a journal or notebook. Tune in/connect with your higher self, however that looks for you, and from that still place, ask yourself questions along the lines of: What is the highest vision for my life in 2016? What does it look like? Feel like? Who am I as this vision fulfilled? What must I release in order for this vision to come to fruition? What can I begin right now to support it's unfolding? Any wisdom to carry forward into the new year? DREAM BIG. Write the first thing that comes to you; do not involve your mind by thinking or judging what comes forward. Just write it down and go on to the next question. Afterwards look at your answers and be with what your life is calling you to. Are you up for it? If yes, tune in with the Vision regularly, checking in to see how it wants to be served next. Try to avoid shaping it with your mind; the God Consciousness has a limitless imagination so we may as well let it do the heavy lifting. Our minds largely recreate and repackage what has come before - to lead of life of true inspiration, we must allow our boundless self to move through us into the 3D world. When we have Clarity and Passion for our highest Vision, the God Consciousness clears the path toward our desire. Our only job is to hold the Vision and serve it, by doing what it asks of us to do.
Here's to a New Year of Clarity and Creation. May your Holidays be blessed!!