Thursday, January 12, 2017

Getting High On Our Own Supply

New Year Greetings and Blessings Beloveds!

 The weather here in Southern California is perfectly aligned with yesterday’s watery Full Moon in Cancer, a sort of dreamy, slow, inwardly facing moon – a perfect time to curl up with a cup of tea by the fire while the rain falls outside. I am fully engaged with Winter energy, taking to my bed right after dinner, reading, studying, writing from under the covers. It feels deeply nourishing and exactly what my system is calling for.

 Most humans had a challenging 2016. The Pluto-Uranus engagement of the past few years has left us bereft of our illusions, ways of hiding and habitual ways of dealing. We have been called to find new ways of seeing, being and living. Last year Saturn was sitting directly on top of most everyone’s head, telling us it was time to create a daily engagement with Spirit, whether through Yoga, Meditation, Breath, Study, etc. If you were obedient to Saturn’s demands, this year should find you functioning rather differently than you have in the past. If you have been resisting Saturn’s dictate for consistency in your practice, you will receive more of the same this year, except it will be even more uncomfortable to ignore what must be done. And what must be done? We must bring our A-Game. Why? Because we have been stripped bare, there is nowhere left to hide (except extreme addiction and the like.) Our only good option is to face the hard truths of our collective and individual shadow. We can no longer avoid the parts of ourselves (and others) that we don’t like. We cannot simply look away, back away, ignore; we must find a way to see, understand and even love what before we could not even acknowledge existed.

 On a personal level, this is a call for an engagement with radical self-love, self-understanding, self-forgiveness. Something I have found really helpful with this is the investigation of the archetypal self - our planetary base-line strengths, super-powers and proclivities along with our innate challenges and weak points. These can be quite easily revealed through an astrological chart reading, a numerology report and the like. These are easy, no-brainer tools that help us see and accept a wider picture of ourselves. When I had my numerology chart done, a whole new layer of “Oh, that’s why I have a tendency to do that” was revealed. It helps alleviate any self-loathing, blame or shame we have around our weaknesses; instead they become challenges we are tasked with overcoming in this lifetime, rather than self-fulfilling prophesies of doom that makes us feel shitty about ourselves. And by rising up and overcoming our pre-prescribed challenges, we are overcoming karma, fulfilling dharma and just generally leading a happier life. Another tool to developing self-love and acceptance is to consistently remind ourselves what we also are, the broader truth of us. We are unique and individualized radiations of Divine Energy; we are not separate from God, we are wholly One with It, we are LITERALLY made of It. This is a truth we must remind ourselves of again and again and again. It is imperative that we have some sort of practice wherein we feel this truth in our bodies and throughout our radiant fields regularly. I find this in kundalini yoga practice. I literally shower myself daily with the blessing of this knowing; I ‘get high on my own supply’ (-Guru Jagat). And my own supply is really, really good stuff.       

 On a collective level, we are also called to find new ways of seeing, being and living. An oppositional, Us versus Them mentality does not work. It gets us nowhere. (Or rather it gets us here, with our current Presidential Situation.) Time to know that our way is not the only way, that those ‘across the aisle’ also have hopes and dreams for humanity, although they have differing views on how to achieve them. At an energetic, heart and spirit-based level, we are all on the same team. Time to listen to those who think differently from us, with the goal of hearing and understanding, not convincing or proving anyone wrong or right. Time to throw all viewpoints into the center and see what holds water, what is in alignment with everyone’s needs and goals, what allows us to unite in common purpose. Time to keep our eyes and ears wide open, ALL THE TIME, for as awakened ones, we are the Guardians of Goodness and Right Relationship. We have been shown that our collective shadow harbors a lot of fear and separation and outright meanness. We get to be lighthouses of Goodness and Right Action, in order to counterbalance what is being held up as acceptable in our world right now. We will not do this by making anyone wrong; we will simply BE what is right. So live loudly in Kindness, Gentleness, Inclusion, Helpfulness, Tolerance, Peace. Make it so that your very presence makes others feel better. This is how we can each be in service to the world this year.

 Speaking of 2017, the energies of this year are varied, however two things stand out. The first and more gentler experience is a Venus Retrograde that happens from March 4th – April 15th. Venus changes signs during the Retrograde which means we are in for a double-edged lesson; one will feel lovely and the other will feel the opposite of lovely. Venus’s lesson is all about knowing how to give and receive Love so it will involve all of our relationships. Do what you can to dive deeply into opening your heart and allowing Love to teach you how to live from there. The second and deeper theme is a recurring Saturn-Uranus Trine, which indicates a cooperative and profound interaction between these two planets. They already had their first meet-up in December and will have two more encounters this year. This means we should be ready for anything, for anything can happen and probably will. The changes that come will be significant, structural shifts that will demand we evolve to incorporate them. (Uranus brings the lightening strike and Saturn says "You better shift yourself to deal with this.") This will be easier for some than others, depending on how these two planets interact with your birth chart. Here is a very brief and simplified overview of how each sign will be affected, courtesy of Dr. Michael Lennox (I paraphrased). Be sure to pay attention to both your sun and rising sign for you are influenced by both.

Aries: will have a wonderful experience of these energies – shifts and changes will be abundant, profound and easy - and will likely feel really good. (YAAAAAY ME).

Taurus: will feel this happening around them but not deeply in their own atmosphere. They will be forced to make choices to adapt yet those choices will not be around profound shifts and changes.

Gemini: will be in Opposition to the Trine, which means it will be hard work, yet will be harmonious and profound in a good way. Lots of inspiration and creativity with regards to structure and lessons.

Cancer: will have a challenging experience with this – goals will need to shift, major changes occur.

Leo: Fire, inspiration, passion, all good. (YAAAAAY ME AGAIN!!!!)

Virgo: will not have an easy time of it as things will happen suddenly, bluntly and will force new paths.

Libra: will have sudden, confrontational shifts - that are easily navigated.

Scorpio: will have drama, but not trauma.

Sagittarius: will use the Uranus energy well, but will get nailed by Saturn (lessons, structure).

Capricorn: will experience this as a Square, which is agitated energy that leads to good results.

Aquarius: will experience this as a Sextile, which is a productive, creative energy, leading to positive changes that feel good.

Pisces: will experience challenges but in a slow steady way. A good year to ‘chop wood, carry water’.  

Please realize that this is not ‘bad’ news for anyone. If you are one of this signs that will be harder hit this year, it simply means that you are being called to be more excellent than you’ve been previously. It doesn’t mean that you will be flattened; it means you will be charged with STANDING UP, TAKING AHOLD OF YOURSELF, DOING YOUR WORK WITH DILLIGENCE AND EXCELLENCE AND ROCKING THE SHIT OUT OF THIS OPPORUTNITY TO BE MORE. It’s like skiing, when you’re just gliding along on good snow and all is well in the world and then suddenly you hit a heinous patch of ice – and you are forced to hunker down, power up and really dig in those edges. You are a better skier for these moments, able to handle the worst of conditions. So be grateful you called in these challenges so that you could get better at winning life.

And speaking of winning life and Guru Jagat, her book “Invincible Living” just dropped and it is TREMENDOUS. Simple, clean, accessible and brilliant. I highly recommend it:   

Be good, do your best, stay awake out there.
All Love.