my Beloveds. Wheweee!! The going is rough as I’m sure you’ve noticed. Eleven days ago we had a partial solar eclipse at the New Moon in Aquarius, a reboot of our
consciousness around our collective humanity and close relationships. Those
areas of our un-consciousness that we have been doing a bang-up job of ignoring
are totally out in the open, up for review. Now is a time to see what does not
work, like AT ALL ANYMORE, and leave it behind. It’s not surprising that the
most recent school shooting happened within this portal; in the past we’ve
witnessed these events, been heart-broken and horrified and angry and then we
just sort of all ‘forget’ and move on until the next one happens. This time
feels different though, doesn’t it? And it’s not the older ‘wiser’ generation
who is demanding change; it’s our youth, literally standing up and saying NO.
NO MORE. NOT EVER AGAIN. These ones have been activated upon a path of
taking responsibility for their world and I can feel the power and force of the
slip-stream of consciousness they have said Yes to and it’s HUGE. I’m excited
to see how it’s going to roll out.
too must catch this stream of energy and do our work. Time to get REALLY REALLY
clear on what it is we are doing here – what did we incarnate on Earth to do?
To be? What is the gift we are bringing to Humanity? It’s time to leave behind
ANYTHING that doesn’t serve that mission, be it a thought form (I can’t do it,
I’m not smart enough, rich enough, worthy enough, etc.), a behavioral pattern (I
hate my job so I need to drink/smoke/numb out at night to feel ok) or a belief
system (I’m a piece of shit, born with sin, and I need to pay a man to make me
right with God.) All of these are Systems of Illusion that keep us trapped in
vicious cycles, that keep us from delivering our dharma, which is the thing we came here to do and be. Ever see a fruit tree that never gets cleared of its
fruit? The fruit is the tree’s gift to the world; when it rots on the branches
and ground, the stagnant energy eventually makes the tree sick. We are the
same – if we are not delivering our dharma, it will ultimately make us sick,
either emotionally, physically or spiritually. Know any sick people? I do. If
we are not creating something good every day (we are born creators) we will
create drama. Know anyone who does that, creates drama for no reason? I do. It
is time (well past time, actually) for us to quit this nonsense and tap
back into the reason we are here. Our souls know it – it’s written into the
blueprint of our DNA. The only thing keeping our consciousness from knowing it
are these silly illusions we hold so dear. Time’s up on our f’in illusions,
individual and collective. Time to set them down FOREVER.
do we set them down? Well, I’ve been talking about this for years because this
is exactly the work I’ve been doing for years. Go back and read the archives - there’s lots on this subject there, lots of tools and practices to help you
begin this important work. In short, we must examine everything we believe
about ourselves and the world and see if it’s actually true for us. Examine
your habits and patterns; where did they come from? Do they reflect who you are
or did you inherit/adopt them from someone else? Examine your belief systems.
Where did they come from? Are they actually true for you? Examine your
childhood. What did your parents actually think of you? What ideas about
yourself did you inherit from them? Are they true? Are you that? If so, do you
want to keep being that or would you like to change?
an example of this kind of inquiry from my own life, around coffee. (I know,
totally mundane, but watch where it goes). Coffee ‘told’ me every single
morning that I needed it to function, and I believed it for MANY MANY years. It
literally was my first thought upon waking – where is my coffee and how do I
get it? Then my body started telling me that coffee wasn’t my friend and I was
like ‘that can’t be right because I need it every single day to function.’ I
ignored my body for a long time because what it was telling me didn’t jive with
my very engrained thought form. When I finally grew weary of the struggle
between my body and the thought form, I took a hard look at it - where did I
get the idea that I needed coffee first thing every day? In college, when I worked
two jobs, I didn’t get much sleep. There were nights that I worked until 11pm
and then went home to write a paper, due the next day. Coffee kept me up
to get my work done and coffee got me up and to class the next morning so I
adopted the thought form that I needed coffee to function. And when I dug
deeper, I discovered another thought form I’d carried since childhood that said
I was lazy, had low energy and was unmotivated. Coffee was the antidote. So I
asked myself, ‘Am I lazy?’ Nope, never been lazy. Ok, easy to release that one.
Do I have low energy? Yes, I’ve had low blood pressure my whole life, which I
counteract with exercise. Do I need coffee for that? Nope, exercise does the
trick and as I’ve aged, my blood pressure has risen into normal range, so I’m
all good. Am I unmotivated? Yep, around doing things I hate like paperwork,
filing and mundane tasks. I’ve been working with Saturn (the Cosmic Taskmaster)
on that, and I’ve actually started to enjoy ticking those things off my ToDo
list. Examining these thought forms allowed me to see that they were never or no longer true so I could easily release them. Then I turned back to
coffee, my long-time love. What was true about coffee? Well, it’s delicious,
yes. SO SO delicious. Also it makes my whole system acidic and it fuels my
monkey mind so that my thoughts race. So here I am, dedicated to a quiet,
meditative mind, so much so that my entire life is structured around practices
to achieve this and the first thing I do every single morning works against
that? Isn’t that interesting?? This opened up a whole new area of inquiry that
led to a whole new set of false beliefs to release. And I easily quit drinking
coffee every day.
you get good at knowing what you are not, you can begin deciding what you are.
Only you get to decide this as you are solely responsible for you. You alone
get to create your self-concept. You get to decide who you are right now, who
you will be tomorrow and who you will be next week. In this eclipse portal
(which runs through July) you have a giant push of cosmic energy to help with
this process. Self-Concept is literally your declaration of who you are. As I
was holding the self-concept of “I am a person who needs to have coffee every
day in order to function”, my life organized around that concept and let me
tell you, I was very successful in procuring coffee every morning. Everyone
around me and the Universe itself conspired to make that happen. Now I hold a
self-concept of “I wake energized and charged for whatever the day asks of me”
and that's simply what's true now. I can put whatever I like into my self-concept
(although things like “I am a tall person” or “I am a prima ballerina” might be
a waste of my energy) and as long as I hold fast to it – like a dog with a bone
– my system will organize itself around that concept. I will choose those
actions and thoughts that serve it, and the world will mirror it back to me.
It’s important to think BIG with your self-concept, as in “I am a boundless
creator god, fully tapped into the creative impulse, delivering my dharma with
exuberance, grace and love, realizing my dreams, living as a beneficial
presence to humanity and to consciousness itself.” Get the picture?
self-concept will evolve over time as you become the thing you declare yourself
to be, so you can move onto other self-concepts. What have you always dreamed
of being? You can’t get it wrong so be creative, have fun. Keep it open-ended;
the Universe has a bigger imagination than you – let it fill in the blanks. Write
it down, tape it to your mirror so you can see it when you’re brushing your
teeth, put it on your steering wheel, make it the wallpaper of your phone, tape
it to your refrigerator. Write it out every single day on a little piece of
paper and put it in your pocket. Refuse any thought that contradicts it. Hold
steady and fast to it, even when the phenomenal world appears otherwise. Just
simply KNOW that it is your birthright to be who you say you are. When you are
steadfast in your knowing, the Creative Principle will know it with you and the
Cosmos itself will shift to accommodate and support it. And that’s when the
magic really begins…