Friday, April 27, 2018


Greetings my Beloveds. It's been a while. As I logged in to write this, I realized I've started two blog posts that I didn't finish - something I never do - probably because I've been bogged down with recurrent sinus infections that are really dulling my vibe, mainly due to the (over-the-counter) pharmaceuticals I've been taking in order to function. These put me so far under water, I cannot think straight or clearly. And it's been months of this! I have so much compassion for people who have live on allergy meds!! I am in the process of investigating the physical source of the allergies/infections so that I can clear this shit up and out.

So! 2018 continues to be a great opportunity to overcome challenges, yes? Delays, set-backs, fuck-ups, confusion, fear, what have I missed? Oh right, Joy in the face of sadness, Peace in the space between bullets, Hope in the face of despair. Knowing All Is Well even when it looks like hell. I've been in a curious place of shifting my daily practice to accommodate my physical limitations, which means it's essentially just chanting and meditation and it's been wonderful proving to myself that any effort is fruitful; as long as I touch in with the Divine, regardless of how that looks, I can maintain a through-line of Joy. Sometimes I get caught up in the thought form that it has to look a certain way in order to 'work' - hmmmm. Maybe I've stumbled on the purpose of the sinus infections - or at least one of the gifts of this suffering! Actually I'm pretty sure the sinus stuff is repressed anger, so it's back to the 'basement' of my sub/non-conscious for investigation. Sometimes it feels like I live in the friggin basement, know what I'm saying?

So what's the anger about? The largest part is the apoplectic rage of the Collective Feminine from countless generations of mistreatment, abuse, subjugation, suppression, etc. We've finally allowed ourselves to open the door to that deep dark basement and dang but it's stinky down there. Putrid. Not easy to be with. Once we acclimate to the rage, we may also find profound mistrust of the Masculine. And so I start at the beginning, with the Masculine in my family - father, husband. 

Game on.

How to do this work? I work best in the Unseen, meaning I put myself in a deep meditative state and then call in the soul of the one I wish to work with. This is highly effective because trust me, if I called up my dad and said, "Can we please work through the seething anger that I secretly harbor toward you?", I have a sense it wouldn't go well. So I work with my dad's soul, that part of him that knows and can hold the truth of our relationship, that can see and hold my anger. And we converse. I can come to this conversation as any age, any part of me - the infant Jaclyn, the little girl, the teenager, the young adult and the grown me. All have a part in this story however it's good to start at the place that has the biggest charge; if your parents got divorced when you were 13 and you blame your dad, maybe start there by bringing your 13-year-old self in to see what she has to say. Mine began in utero (my dad divorced my mom when she was pregnant with me) so my starting point is crystal clear. It's important when you're doing this work that you work through each step slowly and clearly. First touch in with your own soul however you do that (meditation is great for this) and then call in the soul you wish to work with. Wait for them to arrive, attuning your sensitivity so that you can actually feel that happen. Once you feel them present, ask if they are willing to have a conversation with you and wait for their agreement. (If they say 'No', ask if there is another time they would be willing to converse.) And then begin. Speak your heart. Say exactly what your infant/little girl/teenager/adult needs to say, no filters, no judgements. Allow room for them to receive and respond. Ask questions. Work your stuff out. And then end with love and gratitude and perhaps an agreement to work again in the future. And, more good news, this works even if the one you wish to converse with has passed on. Their soul still exists, will always exist - and in some ways it's easier than working with a soul that's still embodied. 

Working in the Unseen is so powerful because everything happens there first. We create energetically and then it eventually condenses down into the physical experience. When we work in the Unseen, it ripples out from the collective fields of the involved souls, through the field of the Void/All Possibility and into every aspect of our being. It heals the energetic body and can shift absolutely everything. I can shift the field of relationship with my dad by allowing those injured parts of me to speak/emote/release the pain of _________, and by doing so, shift and/or heal my relationship with my husband because I will no longer be bringing that unexpressed pain and anger into our every interaction. See how that works?

This type of work is not 'exotic' or 'strange'; it's part of our natural human functionality of interacting with one another on multiple levels, across countless dimensions, soul to soul. What's strange is that we are cut off from these proclivities because of our belief systems, thinking we are only the mind and body. We have experienced so many lifetimes in the density of these bodies that we have forgotten the gifts and super-powers of our soul. Reclaim them my people! It's not something new you have to learn. You already know how to do it because it's literally what you are.

Lastly, thank you for doing this work; by healing yourself, you heal the world. And finally, please remember how loved you are, how seen, known, wanted and celebrated. Know it to your bones and live from that place.