Beloved Soul Family! My
heart is full at this full Moon (exact exactly 42 minutes ago as I write this)
with Gratitude for this community and all the healing + revealing in our soul
collective. I feel each of you all the time and am always holding you in Love
Absolute, cheering you on, nudging you (occasionally) and essentially basking
in your magnificent soul light. The planet itself is grateful that you are on
the front lines of this consciousness shift, actively raising your frequency
and training yourself to hold and transmit the higher collective frequencies
that are activating now on Planet Earth.
Speaking of activation, WE ARE IN IT. The biggest story
astrologically is Chiron moving from Pisces into Aries, where he’ll remain for
8 years. I’ve been with this for some time now, as my natal Chiron is at 29
degrees Pisces, so this is an energy I’ve chosen to work with deeply in this
lifetime. Chiron is a minor planet in the outer solar system which holds the archetypal vibration of the centaur, half-man, half-horse. He suffered a
fatal wound but being immortal, was doomed to suffer eternally. His pain drove him to seek relief, which put him on a wisdom path, wherein he ultimately
became a healer - the Wounded Healer. My path has followed a similar
trajectory, just as my soul planned and mapped out in my natal planetary
geometry. Pisces is dreamy, creative, mystical, compassionate, and ruled by
Pluto, Lord of the Underworld or sub/unconscious mind. Chiron has been
traveling through Pisces for much of the past decade, bringing our collective
healing journey into the untapped depths of our sub and unconscious minds,
ultimately stirring up the muck at the bottom, with an assist from the
Pluto/Uranus Square of 2011-2016. (I’ve written much about the Pluto/Uranus
Square.) We’ve likely been wildly uncomfortable through this transit because on
one level we couldn’t even fathom what was happening within the dreamy surreal
Piscean inner landscape and on another level we knew whatever was happening was
ultimately for our benefit. It hasn’t felt good to say the least, but the healing’s
been happening, evidenced all around us, in all
aspects of our evolutionary journey.
And now Chiron moves from this
interior, shadowlands scenario into Aries, the first sign of the astrological
wheel, where we burst forth into the 3D realm with fire, initiatory energy,
ready to conquer any mountain. The ram puts its head down and just GOES. It
breaks through any barrier, fueled by passion, carried by its innate
powerfully-forward trajectory. I also understand this energy as my Sun (and
Mercury) are in Aries. Much of my everyday work in this lifetime is to tame and
direct the Aries passion or it simply carries me away, off to fight windmills
for the fun of it. Aries is strong, a fearless warrior; in its highest
expression, it’s the Emperor in the Tarot. The Emperor is the Yang Divine
Masculine, the benevolent leader, the responsible creator, who thinks for the
Whole, who provides a safe, grounded container for the collective. The Emperor
is mature, a leader who has transcended ego gratification and only thinks in
terms of ‘We’. This is most excellent news! As we’ve progressed through Chiron
in Pisces, doing our inner healing work both individually and collectively,
we’ve readied ourselves for this moment, grown ourselves up as it were, to move
into new territory. And so we find ourselves in the broad light of day, where
we link arms and move forward together, in transparency, with open hearts, for the good of all, no matter
what. No more withholding
good from others, no more using our spiritual journey to gain power or the
upper hand over others, no more commodifying spiritual wisdom. Everything is
now available to everyone. And with the Divine Masculine coming into balance
with the awakened Feminine, we get to access the process of creation from both sides
of ourselves. As we all have both feminine and masculine energies within us, we get to heal our wounded masculine through
our healed feminine and step
into being the badass creator gods we came here to be – dreaming from the
fertile void of the feminine, grounding into the 3D through the inspired action
of the masculine. All in the crystal clear light of a new day in the Age of
So. Healing will look very
different. It already does. We will all recognize that we are our own best healers,
and our very best bet is to get quiet and tune inward. We already intuitively
know exactly what we need to heal and come into balance. And we will do this
work in community, as in I’ll be a loving, safe mirror for you to see yourself
and you’ll be the same for me. We’ll truly walk each other home. Sometimes our
own best knowing is about intuiting where healing lies for us. I’ve been going
to Ojai weekly for acupuncture for the better part of a year and throughout my
husband would say, “You’re going to Ojai again? I thought your _______ was
better.” And I would still go, week after week, sometimes not knowing why I was
going, just that it was right that I was going. And after a pretty good while,
I began to understand. I go to Ojai for acupuncture because my Chinese Medicine
Doctor (my beloved Tara Matthews at SoulBodyOjai) understands Balance way
better than me. She’s fluent in the very subtle language of the body, so each
week my body shows her where I’m out of balance and she gently restores it. Week
after week. And I’ve never felt better in my life. (My husband has stopped
questioning the weekly acupuncture.)
In this new cycle (essentially a 40
year cycle), we’ll remember the body’s own extraordinary healing powers and the
Earth’s innate healing power. We’ll remember the miraculous medicine of plants.
We’ll recognize that we are whole, just as we are, and we don’t need that food,
dress, car, friend, lifestyle, ______, in order to feel good about
ourselves. We’ll easily see through the illusions the age of Pisces offered up
as real life. Absolutely everything will change! In this fast moving Aries
energy, we won’t be compelled to look back and reference what has come before.
I’ve noticed this of my daughter’s generation since she was very young – they’re
not at all interested in the past – they keep their focus firmly forward. What
that means for healing modalities I don’t know and I’m excited to find out. What I do know is that healing will be easy and instantaneous. What I also know is that the planetary frequency has upleveled significantly
since the last eclipse in January, and there is a clear, pure vibration that
appears to be universally available now. It feels quite easy and natural to
align to really anything one desires. When I walk my dog, I can easily and
quickly attune my frequency to a flower, or tree, the sky, clouds, water,
whatever. And it’s normal, familiar and really really nutritious. And what
underlies so many of these Nature frequencies is Joy. Just pure simple Joy. I
am remembering about Relationship, how absolutely everything is in relationship
with everything else. When I walk, my feet are in relationship with my shoes,
which are in relationship with the earth. My ears are in relationship with the
wind. My breath is in relationship with my lungs and my lungs with my entire
body. When I place my attention on these relationships, I feel the golden
threads that bind everything together. I feel how if I move my arm just so, the
whole field shimmers with delight. It’s quite amazing. And yet completely
So I’m pretty excited to be alive right
now. Pretty stoked for humans and the earth and all sentient beings. Life is an
unspeakably precious gift and I’m so grateful to share it with you.