High Summer Blessings Loved Ones. What a time to be embodied
on planet Earth!! WOW!! These are the times the ancients warned of, the
astrologers watched and waited for, and I - in turn - have been squawking about
for some years now. This is the time that necessitated our daily practices, so
that we may hold the center in the storm. And the storm, well it’s just getting
Ok. So. Let’s start where we are, today. Today is a partial
lunar eclipse at the full moon, not visible in the Northern Hemisphere.
Happening at 2:38pm PST. Yesterday I posted a video all about it on Instagram
and Facebook. If you don’t follow or even have an account, no problem, it’s all
public and I believe accessible even without an account. Loads of good info
there. I made the videos because it’s easier than writing it all out. I also
posted a second video on FB by one of my mentors which is tremendously helpful.
Check that out if you’re looking for in-depth eclipse mojo – it’s well worth
your time. And not to worry, this eclipse is huge and happening on a deep
collective level, so whether you are ‘working’ it or not is irrelevant. You are
receiving simply because you are here in a body. No need to stress about
‘missing’ it.
The gist of this eclipse season aligns perfectly with the
overall energies of these times. Necessary Destruction. Chaos. Uncertainty.
Change. Karmic debts being collected and cleared. Needing to address the past
in order to make room for a new future, different from what we’ve ever created
before. We’re in unknown territory now, no maps, blueprints or breadcrumbs. The
only thing we can rely on moving forward is our own intuition, heart wisdom and
level of connection – to one another and to Divine Consciousness. Which is why
we need to (already) have practices in place that align us to these ON A DAILY
BASIS, even if it’s a single conscious breath. We no longer have the dubious
luxury of tuning out, numbing out, burying our heads in the sand and ignoring.
Saturn is going to knock us upside our heads, pull our noggins out of the sand
(or out of our asses) and wipe our face in the mess we’re trying to ignore.
So what are we trying to ignore? Well, largely the death of
the old ways; and we humans don’t like the thought of death because we forgot a
long long time ago that death is just another portal. So we like to
think we have some kind of control by closing our hands energetically around
the ‘good’ in order to hold onto it. This action creates a kink in the cosmic
flow and kind of concretizes us into staid and uniform structures and systems that
offer us the illusion of safety and stability. Creation – as us – is meant to
flow, to wax and wane, to surge and recede. To have periods of great change and
upheaval and periods of relative quiet. We are meant to evolve here, to explore
and experience, to push the boundaries, to change, to change our minds. We are
not meant to subscribe to a fixed set of thought forms for our entire lives. We
are built to constantly create new reality. And so our human destiny is
catching up to us. Our old systems are crumbling under the weight of the
illusions that created them. Our sense of self, largely built upon the
illusions of our parents and their parents and their parents (and so on) is
disintegrating because it was never true. Our values aren’t holding up for the
same reasons. Everywhere we look, the ground is (in some cases literally)
falling away. And that’s really scary shit if you aren’t yet tuned in to the
cosmic eternal truth of who and what you are. And so there is going to be all kind
of ugly shenanigans playing out during this time. We’re already seeing this on
a global scale. We cannot, must not look away. (We don’t really have an option
anyway because see above). We must follow, we must bear witness so that we can
hold space for the mess, so that we can ground the really nasty parts (in
service to humanity) and know where to laser direct our prayers. We get to be
the touchstones that others look to for medicine and remedy. Perhaps the ones
we serve just need to be in the presence of actual peace for a moment. Maybe
they need to see unconditional love reflected to them -possibly for the first
time ever - in our eyes. Whatever it is, that’s what we’re here for. We aren’t
here to fix them. We’re here to reflect their highest selves back to them.
Their own innate wisdom will be activated to create their path forward.
For us, we can know that the old ways are already dead.
We’re dealing with the ghostly remnants. We can keep our hands and our hearts
open and watch the emerging world with wonder. I personally am in awe of the
disintegration of sexuality along prescribed lines. I have always known in my
body that we are everything, that love is entirely unconcerned with ‘gender’;
it is absolutely stunning to watch that play out in the ones coming in who
experience their sexuality so fluidly. (Their exploration of the higher octaves
of Love fills me to overflowing.) We can keep ourselves grounded to the
planet, for it shares our collective journey and is also in a time of great transition.
We can be the conduit of connection to Source, living our lives through the
eternal principles that mirror the attributes of Divine Consciousness –
Absolute Love, the Beauty Way, Integrity, Compassion, Unity, Peace. We can let
the Joy that is present in such profound streams now overtake us, allowing us
to embody Joy for all to share. We can be obedient to the work of growing our
nervous systems to hold the higher frequencies, so that they may be grounded
here on Earth. We must know ourselves profoundly – how we operate, how to serve
our channel, what we need to sustain vitality and health so that we may finish
our work here on the Earth plane. We may not give into fear. We must be
impeccable in our knowing, in our thoughts, words and actions. That said, we
are being drawn into entirely new mini-paradigms that we have likely never
ventured into before. Our touchstones there are Integrity and Impeccability;
these two have served me particularly well through the floods and firestorms of
2019 and I will certainly keep them handy for 2020. ( I’m talking about
Integrity and Impeccability that operate outside of Judgement here.) This
energy will peak in 2020 and begin to wane in 2021, with noticeable shifts by
Going forward, lean into every support option you have. Mine
are Kundalini yoga, mantra (BIG TIME), meditation, acupuncture and herbs,
chiropractic, massage, hydro therapy, crystals, NATURE. THE COSMOS. I have many
people I lean into for leadership in all of these areas. Find your light
brigade. Lean in. Breathe. Shore up your boundaries. Keep your eye on the astro
– it’s not a map so much as a mirror. It can offer clues as to what’s actually
happening. When you find yourself wildy uncomfortable, stop. Notice what wants
be felt, released or integrated. Bow to the alter of your own being and
becoming, every day, all day. Live here, regardless of what you are doing in
the phenomenal world. All of us, all of us, are counting on your