Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I Have A Dream


      The world is spinning faster now, can you feel it?  The energy is ramping up, day by day, minute by minute even.  I don't know about you - sometimes I feel like I've cycled through three different iterations of myself before lunch.  The amount of energy and information both seen and unseen that is available to us right now is unheard of; the level and speed of change is breath-taking.  The human 'experiment' is in a critical phase.  What we do now means more than it possibly ever has.  Those who have placed their attention solely on the phenomenal aspects of this world may not weather the changes as well as those who have peeked behind the curtain.  Those who use their attention to know and navigate multiple-level reality will likely have more tools to align their bodies and fields to the constantly quickening resonance that's happening now.  Those who aren't aware of the deeper truth of themselves may lose their center more easily.  Headlines show this is already happening, particularly among young people.

     What to do?  Real and true self-inquiry is always a great place to start.  Meditation too, and yoga, particularly Kundalini Yoga as it literally is the technology of opening and moving energy and preparing the body to hold more and more resonance.  And, more immediately, we can begin to find our way into our essential nature of Joy.  Can you imagine the world if we all insisted on being in Joy all the time?  Can you conjure how we would navigate conflict resolution - if both sides steadfastly INSISTED on being in Joy?  Win/win solutions, compromise, team work, clear priorities - these would be just the start.  Imagine if you, in your Abundance, came across someone who did not have enough food, shelter, safety, love, etc.  If you, insisting on living from Joy, would happily share from your overflow?  Imagine how society would be transformed!  In Joy we are all teammates, with a common goal of always feeling good - deeply good, not the fleeting good-like buzz we get from escapism.  I'm talking about true, sustainable good, based on something real, like Communion, Friendship, Right Relationship, Love, Compassion, Stewardship, Responsibility.  This kind of good is real and sustainable because it is the essential nature of the Universe and therefore of you for you are a tiny microcosm of the entirety of the Universe/God. 

     How do we find Joy?  In every moment, with every choice, pick the thing that resonates Joy.  Pick the thing that benefits the whole world, because believe it or not, your every thought affects the entire cosmos.  Ask yourself constantly, What brings me Joy?  What makes me happy?  Allow the answer to come from your soul knowing, not from the ego.  The ego will give you the easy, fake answer nine times out of ten, because the ego is invested in who you are right now and is not much interested in who you dream of being - and in who the world is now insisting you become.  If you transform yourself into a Joyful Being, the ego won't recognize itself and so of course it fights for its perceived survival.  Assure your ego you will not (cannot) kill it, that you are just going to use it for what it's good for (objective noticing) and that you are going to let your heart lead you.  You are going to let what brings you Joy inform your decisions.  Throw yourself over that cliff, see how that feels...

     This dream of a world where we all live in Joy is not a pipe dream - it is actually attainable.  In fact it's available right now, in this very moment, by each of us simply making our minds up to first understand the nature of Joy and then to unfailingly recognize it in every moment.  Joy's nature is eternal; it is always everywhere present as it is a vibration that never not is.  It exists eternally.  We do not have to 'find' it.  We simply need to get quiet enough to tune in with it vibrationally.  We as human beings know how to do this (we're wired for it) and if you have forgotten how, ask Joy to teach you.  Ask, and then get even more quiet so that you can listen.  Joy speaks softly - and it ALWAYS answers.


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