Wow. I am deep in the washing machine of this month's crazy geometry. We had the Full Solar Eclipse at the New Moon Spring Equinox that kicked things off last week and we're in the spin cycle until the Full Moon Full Lunar Eclipse on April 4th (which will be visible from North America!!) Every year we have this wormhole and every year I ride it entirely and feel it profoundly. This year the geometries have some absolutely astounding symmetries, allowing us to go deeper than ever before.
There are thousands (if not millions) of sites that write about these geometries and every one has a slightly different spin. Each of us will have a unique experience based on our birth charts. The bottom line for me is that I can feel the solidity of my constructed world falling away; it has been getting less and les dense over the past months and during this wormhole, I feel like I can blow it apart with my breath, like those dandelion balls I used to blow on as a kid. A new layer of truth is being revealed about this Reality and it's big ya'll. Karma is a construct we created out of the extreme density of this realm. We carry all this crap forward from every incarnation and then we think the only way to get rid of it is to balance it by 'paying' it back. Karma is bunk. We were never meant to carry anything other than the jewel of the experience forward. We lost sight of that truth eons ago, and it's starting to make its way back into our collective consciousness as the energies quicken and we realize our multi-dimensional selves. If you are living strictly in the 3D, this sounds like gibberish to you and you should likely find a different blog to read, one that is fully steeped in the density of matter, the suffering, the war, the struggle. If you are reading this and some part of you awakens ever so slightly, perhaps you should read on. When we reclaim our fullness as multi-dimensional creator beings, we break the cycle of karma. I'll say that again. WHEN WE RECLAIM OUR FULLNESS AS MULTI-DIMENSIONAL CREATOR BEINGS, WE BREAK THE CYCLE OF KARMA. And during this wormhole we have the very real possibility of simply laying down our karma. TO SET IT DOWN and continue forward free and clear to create from our purest urge, not from our past crap. Setting down our karma means allowing ourselves to see, truly see, with all our infinite number of 'eyes' the whole truth of ourselves, light and dark, and to accept and love ourselves in all of it.
A major practice we could be in RIGHT NOW to support this process is a simple bringing in of Light everyday. This is going to sound really trite and try it anyway. Barring a really long and probably boring explanation, the multi-dimensional part of you can be summed up as pure white Light. You still have the phone number of God/Creator/Great Sprit/Whatever You Call It. You can simply sit in meditation and with the breath, bring pure white Light from the cosmos through the crown of your head and down into your belly region. If you don't know what that's about, just imagine a beam of pure white Light coming down from the sky into the top of your head and into your belly. Now condense the light into a really powerful ball, then spread that Light into your heart (hold it there for a few minutes) and then spread it into your whole body, into your whole house, into your town, into your state, into your country and then throughout the whole planet. LEAVE THAT LIGHT THERE, and pull your attention back to your own body which is still completely infused with Light, and then 'merge' with Divine Light, God Light, Pure Truth. And then, as you go about your day, infuse every situation with that Light. Just infuse every area of your life with that Light. Read an article about fracking? Infuse fracking with that white Light. Someone nearly creamed you on the freeway? Infuse that person and yourself with Light. Your 14-year-old daughter jack-hammering your quietude? Infuse both of you with Light. You don't have to see or create any outcome; just see the situation and infuse it with pure white Light. Do that for a while and see what changes in your life.
For myself, I am being uber present to my kundalini yoga practice as well, as it is allowing my physical body to hold the Light. I follow Guru Jagat at Rama Yoga Institute for Applied Science and Technology. All of her classes are game-changing and she televises each and every one so that you can do it from your own home. Tara Matthew's Art of the Daily Practice is also a good source. When I first started doing kundalini yoga, I had a ten year practice of let's just call it Flow Yoga. I hated kundalini, thought it was weird, and was just simply like "NO". Thankfully my beautiful teacher at the time, Rev. Kate Roger, had taught/reminded me how to work through resistance and I broke through into the unspeakably beautiful jewel that kundalini offers me. Resistance can be our deep knowing that this is truly not for us and resistance can be our ego saying no, don't go down there, you'll wake up from the illusion that you ARE your ego and then where will I be?
Bust through. Truly live, multi-dimensionally, in all your glory. And then share that glory/Light with the world. Please. Thank you.
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