Thursday, January 14, 2016

Top 'O The Spiral To Ya

New Year’s Blessings Beloveds! I trust this yearly turning finds you taking stock of 2015, honoring your victories and understanding and forgiving your miss-takes. It’s important to take a clear look at who we’ve been, so that we can amplify those parts of ourselves that are in alignment with our highest good and gently course correct those aspects that are not serving us. Last year was all about the dismantling of just about everything, and the end of an important three-year cycle. The world is entirely changed energetically; absolutely everything was touched by the transformational destruction of the Pluto-Uranus Square that has been the prevailing cosmic geometry since mid-2012. The good news is the square is over although its impact will be with us for the rest of our lives.

2016 is about embodying those changes, and specifically building the structures to embody them. We are helped tremendously by the energies ruling this new year, namely Virgo, which represents that place in us that knows how to do this perfectly, in the right order, in just the right way. Virgo is all about process and integration, how to marry all the moving parts so that they fit together perfectly. How auspicious! As we look around at what may be the burned and decimated landscape that used to be our lives (habits, patterns, ways of being, partnerships, businesses, even physical structures), we have the perfect guidance available to us on how to proceed. The change has already happened. That’s done. (Thank Goodness). Now we get to build the structures that will hold who and what we are now so that we can literally BE the change. What will that look like? No one knows and that’s the good news. The new Now is literally being created from the future, from something we have never seen before, so it’s impossible to visualize it with our minds. In fact it is a great disservice to it to do so. We must NOW MORE THAN EVER allow ourselves to be led by something we cannot necessarily see or touch in the way we are used to. Now more than ever before, we must commit ourselves to a daily practice wherein we find connection to the largest part of ourselves, to our Infinite, Boundless Self, that which is God/Great Spirit/All That Is. This is our work now, to embody the Highest Good on Earth. To do this, we MUST develop our ability to tune-in to our multi-dimensional selves (that part of us that exists beyond the physical) in a regular and practical way. Like every day. And when we get good at it, every minute of every day so that we are literally living in this physical plane with multi-dimensional awareness streaming through us with each breath. The Kabballah tells us this is how God gets into the world. And I think we can all agree that this world needs God (as boundless and unfettered Love, Peace, Happiness and Joy) more than ever. It’s time.

Ok, so in order to rock 2016, we are being asked to focus on the physical. (As a small aside, when I say we are ‘being asked’ I mean that Saturn, the Great Teacher, is providing us an opportunity to step up to the lesson at hand. If we don’t step up, Saturn will knock us on our ass, because we get to learn the lesson regardless. We can choose the easy way or the rough way.) We are being asked to focus on the practical, daily work of integrating our spiritual nature into this physical plane. We do this by way of the body; it must become grounded and rooted in us physically. This can only be done through a regular, ‘physical’ practice of the spiritual. For many this looks like daily yoga. For me it looks like daily sadhanna, which incorporates kundalini-based movement, breath-work, mantra and meditation. For you it may be a walking/hiking meditation or other type of meditation, or any activity that takes you into a direct experience of the Divine, of yourself as connected and “part and parcel of God” (to borrow from Emerson). This could be as simple as a daily ritual of connecting to the Sun as masculine/father energy and the Earth as feminine/mother energy and truly feeling both energies in your body and yourself as part of the greater Whole. Whatever it is for you, get to it.

One last piece: Mercury is in retrograde for much of this month and as we know, this encourages an inward glance into the inner workings of how we operate in the world. This will be a prevailing theme for the first six months of this year – an inward focus and planning of what will come next. There will be a pull towards impatience to manifest what we want right now and the wiser path is to do all the inner work first and then after June, launch it into the 3D. More on that later. In the meantime, get some rest, get to bed early so that you can set that alarm earlier to get up and do your practice. It will be most effective if done at the same time every day, and I personally believe first thing in the morning is most powerful. Regardless of how you roll it out, try to make it a gentle process for yourself, be generous and kind and disciplined.
Maybe drop the thought form that you don't have time for it, because you do. And when you commit and make it a vital part of your day, you will be amazed to find that you actually have more time because your focus is sharpened and more effective in all you do. That's just one of the countless perks of multi-dimensional living.

Can't wait to see who you'll be on the other side....<3

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