Whew. The name of the game is currently R E T R O G R A D E. There are four planets in retrograde at this writing and a fifth to follow next week. Lots of inner work ya’ll! I love the geometry of this; as we came out of the Equinox and Eclipse energies, blown open in a sense, we have the opportunity to go deep within to examine the debris. Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion has been retrograde since January, leaving us without our usual MO’s and crutches. This forces us to find our true support system within ourselves, one that is based on Oneness and structured in the heart. Saturn, the great teacher, turned retrograde in March, taking our lessons into the inner realms where we are our own teacher. We get to practice how to be both teacher and student through deep listening to our soul’s higher voice and being obedient to it in the 3D world. (This is the only context wherein I can stomach the word ‘obedience’ – where we are being obedient to the directives of our heart and soul. Often times these can be at crossed purposes with our mind and ego so yes, obedience is called for.) And the biggest story for me personally, Mars turned retrograde at the beginning of April. Mars is our walk in the world, who we are, what we do, how we do it. Mars brings a lot of intensity, often in the form of anger and aggression. When in retrograde, we get a good hard look at who we are and how we’re showing up in the world. And finally, Mercury, ruler of the mind, goes retrograde at the end of April. This allows us a good deep look at our thought forms and patterns. YAY.
that’s a lot. If we aren’t ‘working’ the retrogrades, they will likely be
working us, ie we won’t be having much fun. This will continue until the end of
June, so may as well dive in and get as much inner work done as we can, because
our outer work (what is going on in our 3D world) will be filled with delays
and false starts and the like. Best to lay low and do the inside stuff. How to
do that? For starters, study Oneness. Spend time in the investigation of the
idea that everything – E V E R Y T H I N G – is the same thing, all emanating
from the same Source, and if you could pull all the way back up and off of it,
you would see only One thing. One Creation. One Being - an all pervasive
Unified Field of Consciousness. You know when you look at an image of Earth from
space and it is so obviously a singular thing, this planet? And the thought of
borders and countries and divisions seems silly because look at it – it is a
single unified system. It operates as ONE THING. It is not and cannot be
divided in any way. And if you pulled out farther you would see the solar
system the same way, a unified field of movement and matter, all connected, one
thing. And even farther out, galaxies, all one system, until you were ‘all the
way’ out and you could see the symmetry and perfection of this singular system
of creation and being and non-creation and non-being. And then if you dove
towards earth and could see all the features and creatures housed here, you
could see they were all the same thing, projected emanations from the same
Source, impossible to separate them one from the other (at a quantum level),
and then even further down into the body of a tree, how it is connected to the
ground and the roots of other trees and other systems, how our bodies are the
same. THERE IS NO SEPARATION. This is why the very thought of ourselves as
separate beings and individuals is an illusion; however, that is an entire
other post. I digress.
you spend time with this idea of Oneness, perhaps you are meditating on it and
praying about it, asking whatever you call God or Great Spirit to teach you all
about it. And maybe you are looking for evidence of Oneness all around you in
your daily life; it’s everywhere yo, because it’s for real. Google it. Study
up. Get blown ;) Because once you get it, everything about your life will
change. Absolutely everything. And back to my original point, you will know
that your Source, your Home, Safe Place and Super Power is YOU. Your body, your
heart, your soul are all intimately and infinitely connected to THE Source,
from which you can access anything and everything. So you can let go of your
MO’s and your systems of ‘getting by’ and your ideas of lack and you can f’ing
ROCK THIS LIFE INSTEAD. (I told you Mars was hitting me hard.)
(yeah I’m not done), you can follow the bread crumbs into the thought form that
everything is perfect. The One Being, the Singular Source is inherent
Perfection. It simply is. Everything that is operates within and from the
principle of Perfection. Even in the densest density of this 3D world,
Perfection weaves itself through every human, every animal, every sentient
thing, every rock, river, mountain top, cloud, and weather pattern that has
ever been or will be. It’s also in every dust heap, slum and shit hole in
existence. We just need to look harder to see it there. So we train ourselves
to find the underlying thread of God’s Perfection in ourselves, in everyone and
everything. The more we see it, the stronger it is, so the more can we see it.
Get that?
this means your life (and every life) is in its entirety, from start to finish,
perfect. Every decision, action, and thought form are inherently perfect, are
exactly the perfect thing at the perfect time for your evolutionary journey. It
cannot be any other way. (Except in alternate realities, where it is another
way, and again, that’s a whole other post.) You are like a river carving a bed
through a canyon. Some areas are easy, some take a lot more energy to get
through, sometimes the water may go into an area and become stranded or
enclosed so that it has to make its way back out, to find a more efficient
route. The river is not making mistakes, it is simply finding its way. There
are no mistakes. It’s all EXACTLY RIGHT. So you can stop wasting your energy
and time on regret and second guessing. See if you can feel the breathtaking
symmetry of your very existence; operate from this knowing, honor yourself
entirely. Train yourself to listen to your heart (this will reduce suffering)
and get on with it.
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