Fellow Travelers.
June is big. You probably already know that. Things are likely feeling more and
more intense as we build toward the Summer Solstice happening on June 20th
at 3:34pm PST. The Solstice as we know is a Balance Point, a moment where the
tilted axis of Earth is aligned directly with the Sun, giving the Northern
Hemisphere its longest day, or the most light it will receive in a calendar
year. A celebration of light as it were, Sunlight, which represents our
conscious awareness and is considered a masculine energy. And on the same day,
we have a full Moon, which represents our unconscious awareness (or Shadow) and
is feminine. So at this natural Balance Point, we have massive light shining on
the whole of us, light and shadow, masculine and feminine. That’s a huge moment
of opportunity all on its own.
to that the energies of 2016 to date, which have been DEEP, which completely
shift gears in the last two weeks of June in a seriously wonderful way.
Together it creates an enormous opportunity for evolution and change, which is
what humanity is up to (like it or not) collectively anyway. If we work
consciously within this portal, you can be AN ENTIRELY NEW PERSON after
Solstice. That sounds nice, right?
have been trying to wrap my head around all the planets and energies in play –
it’s A LOT, representing a boat load of possibilities – so that I can condense
it down into a cogent and palatable portion for ya’ll. (You’re welcome). Much
of this is intuitive, feeling which angle and form to follow for information.
The overall picture for me is this: one of the major astrological players of
2016 is a square between Saturn and Neptune, which hits three times throughout
a one year period that began in November 2015; it’s second time is June 18th,
two days before the Solstice. The energy of the square between these two is
huge; Saturn represents discipline, foundation and structure. It is a very
grounded energy, and one that always rewards you for your hard work, although
maybe not as quickly as you would like. Saturn is an outer, slow moving planet;
its lessons require time and patience. Neptune is also an outer, slow-moving
planet, and has a long-term influence like Saturn. Neptune is about the
mystical realms, vision, miracles, perception, dreams. It can also bring
fogginess/confusion and escapism/addictions. Neptune is a somewhat ungrounded
energy, an ‘anything is possible’ sort of feeling. When these two planets are
squared, they are opposed, they influence one another through conflict/tension.
It is as though the Neptune energy needs to be contained by the discipline and
structure of Saturn. They work together to bring Vision and Possibility into
the 3D through disciplined practice. The great vision is realized through
disciplined practice. THIS MEANS YOUR DAILY PRACTICE. Now throw in Jupiter
(expansion, abundance, your good) in the North Nodes (your future/dharma) and
you’ve got this beautiful expanded vison of the fullness of what your life can
be, ushered into your body/mind/experience through your disciplined practice.
Now let’s throw in Pluto (the power to manifest) in first Capricorn (through
structure and form) and then in Virgo & Taurus (how to get shit done on the
Earth plane). And of course Venus and Mercury are also players so let’s add
incorporating it all into the heart and mind as well. Are you getting this
picture?? (To use the words of Dr. Michael Lennox, this Solstice moment is like
an unmissable neon sign pointing, saying “Your greatness is this way.”)
The entire first half of 2016 was largely an inward glance, to see ourselves, our habits/patterns/ways of being as well as our shadow (those aspects that are hard to see, like our smallness, pettiness, jealousy, fear, shame, etc.) so that we can transform them. We were being prepared for what was next. The Solstice is a big ‘ole light shone directly on us, like high noon, where we can see the whole picture, corners and all. And the full moon offers us light in the darkness so that picture includes the normally hidden aspects, our light and dark places. And so now our path and work is laid out before us with Clarity. We can really see where we need to work, what wants to be released, what wants to be reclaimed and integrated, what wants to be loved and nurtured so that it can grow, what the out-picturing of our highest good/dharma wants to look like and how it can be manifested. And all of this will happen through our daily spiritual practice.
you are a spiritual seeker/light worker/awakened one, at this point you must
have a daily practice. There is no more avoiding it. We are being called to
connect to Spirit on a daily, regular basis, in a disciplined, responsible way.
This also means you have a daily and regular practice of self-inquiry, investigating
your inner workings, using the material of your ordinary everyday life. How are
you facilitating your experience? Where is your attention? Are you using your
spiritual tools to mitigate negative mind/suffering? Are you taking
responsibility for your experience, are you creating consciously, are you
capable of shifting your perspective when needed? Are you able to slow down?
Can you pull way out, see as much of yourself and the situation as is
available? Are you doing everything you can to maintain the highest vibration
possible so that your very life is in service to others and this planet?
Lennox says “Your dharma is here and present now. You must be in your
life, on a daily basis embodying a higher vibration and spreading that
vibration to others in ANY WAY that you find works for you. Not someday, not
one day. Now.” This means you do not have to run out and become a yoga teacher
or spiritual counselor in order to spread your goodness. You can do this in
your regular job, today, with everyone you meet. You can do this with other
drivers on the freeway, with prayer and care for your fellow human beings and
for the extraordinary being that is the planet. You can do this by doing your
inner work, shedding your illusions, knowing the truth of yourself and living
from that truth. When you enlighten yourself, you enlighten all of humanity.
am grateful for your work!!
finally, for various reasons too numerous to list here, Solstice is also a very
potent portal to release anything that needs to be shed in order for your
greatest good to be realized. I would suggest doing ceremony on the 20th
that might include meditation, visioning, and releasing, however that looks for
Magnificent, Light-filled, Soul-full Solstice To You <3
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