Thursday, December 28, 2017


Holiday Greetings from Utah! I'm snuggled in, watching the snow (blowing sideways) and giving myself the gift of long, deep practice.

There is a lot happening astrologically as I'm sure you're aware. The last new moon of the year passed and it's proximity to Saturn's transit into Capricorn, Mercury stationing direct and the Winter Solstice increases it potency - making it an especially good time to set intentions for the coming year. The Moon cycle is roughly a month long, offering us a regular practice of working with a creation cycle - planting seeds, nourishing the new shoots, harvesting the crop and clearing the field to prepare for the next cycle. Here is a great website that clearly explains the phases:

Here is another website that offers yogic practices to coincide with the moon:  

And if you're having the thought "Oh no, I've missed the window!", let me say a few words about that. Affirmations and intentions work 24/7. If you set 'new moon' intentions on the first quarter moon, the cosmos is not going to reject them. Intentions work with cosmic law and are powerful any day of the year. The only thing that keeps your intentions from coming to fruition is your own subconscious thoughts about them. If deep down you are running patterns of 'not enough' or 'not worthy' or 'don't deserve' or 'that will never happen' - your intentions will not come to pass. This is why we need to do the work of cleaning out the basement of our subconscious minds - so that we can step into the true reality that we are creators of the highest order, made up of the stuff of God. If we are 'pure of spirit' (got a clean basement because we've cleaned out all the programming we received in our formative years), we can create a reality based on our choices of who/what we want to be - and who we DECLARE ourselves to be - rather than on what the world tells us is valuable. The 'special days' like New Moon, Full Moon, Solstice, Eclipses, etc. are super-charged energetically, which just means we will be amplified if we work deeply on those days. But make no mistake - work deeply every day and the cosmos will match us, helping to create the world of our choosing.

How to create your own reality? If you've been reading my newsletters/blog, you are likely aware that I'm a huge fan of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. This yoga is weird to the extreme which is why I tried to reject it - unsuccessfully - for five years. I kept coming back to it because it works. I could feel energy gathering, moving, brightening in my body and auric field for the first time in my life. And the more I came back to it, the stronger it grew. Now I do it every single day and it is a vital part of my functionality. A regular practice will bring up all your shit; as it consistently raises your vibration, the low vibratory places in you are exposed. It's a completely different way of working spiritually; rather than having to go in and dredge up all the crap in your unconscious (from this lifetime and others), you are literally dosing yourself with...I hesitate to say...the truth of Supernal Light and yet that's exactly what it feels like. And that Light clears your shit out, brightens your aura, makes you spacious, allows you to respond to life rather than react. It allows you enough presence in any moment to actually take it in completely to see the truth of it, rather than running every dammed thing through your fucked-up false filters. Doesn't that sound lovely?  I have watched as friends surrender to Kundalini and every one of them becomes increasingly brighter, clearer, happier. Bottom line, this shit works. 

Astrologically, we are in a time of 'The Shit Is Hitting The Fan'. Technically we have come out of a long cycle of being asleep, where confusion, illusion, having no idea who/what we really are, fighting one another for resources, etc. reigned. And although we've entered into an age of awakening, we are literally in the throes of the turnover and those throes are likely to last for the remainder of my lifetime. The old Piscean patriarchy is not going down without a fight; the good news is we know it ultimately will go down - and it will be a nasty fight to the death. This is currently playing out on the world stage in a big way. This time of chaos reminds me of something I learned from scuba diving; wherever two separate bodies of water meet up, the diving is incredibly tumultuous and incredibly rich because every creature under the sun is in those crazy waters. We experienced this in Tobago, where the Caribbean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean at the very tip of the island. The diving is surreal; the best dive is called 'Washing Machine' and we saw things on that dive that were hard to fathom. And we are without doubt in the washing machine of the meetup of the Ages of Pisces and Aquarius, so best get used to it. And best to get yourself as bright and calm as possible now so that 1) you can survive these times without becoming an addict of some kind (drugs, alcohol, sex, anger, Instagram, Netflix) and 2) you get so bright you are able to help facilitate others into their brightness.

To that end, here are some ideas on how to interact with Kundalini Yoga; classes can be hard to find because it hasn't yet completely taken root in the US. If you live in Los Angeles or New York City, there are Rama Yoga studios owned by my teacher Guru Jagat. Otherwise, thanks to the miracle of modern technology, you can take classes from wherever you are in the world on the Rama website, with either a yearly or monthly membership that is very reasonably priced. Rama's mission is to get these tools out into the world; if you cannot afford a membership, reach out to them and they will work with you. This is a new model of commerce that is about more than money! I do my practice through the website and it is as potent as doing it live in person with the teacher. I know this because I did virtual, on-line classes with Guru Jagat for about 6 months and when I finally decided to drive the hour to Venice to do a workshop, I realized that there was no difference between sitting in the studio or doing it on-line. The full mojo comes through on-line, largely because of her radiance and also because they film it as though you are sitting in the back of the class, so you really get the feeling of the group experience. Apart from daily classes (with a huge archive to choose from), they also offer on-going immersive experiences as well as special workshops that coincide with potent days like Solstice. I follow Guru Jagat mostly and also enjoy Harijiwan, Tej and Harmanjot's classes. Each teacher has a completely different vibe; find the one that works for you.

Sometimes full length classes can feel overwhelming for a beginner so I will offer up my small practice, which is what I do when I don't make time for a long practice. These kriyas clear and fuel me so that I have a higher functionality throughout the day. And when I do them every single day, well, my entire life glows. I created two small videos of my practice, originally for a few women in my Circle who asked for it specifically. Those who are engaging with it are really benefitting, so I've decided to share them. The first video is an explanation of what I'm doing and the second is the actual practice. I would strongly encourage you to watch the first one first so that you can get the most out of the practice. Disclaimer: I AM NOT A KUNDALINI YOGA TEACHER. I am not called to that path. I am a practitioner, sharing my practice. I checked in with a dear friend who is a teacher and she felt my practice was deep enough to warrant my sharing. Another disclaimer: Kundalini is very specific, a technology, so details do matter. That said, as I lengthened into my practice, I could feel some things working for me while others didn't. I could feel my own field respond or not. Trust yourself. Ultimately you are the only expert on you, so once you begin to feel your subtle energy body, allow it's wisdom to lead you rather than the kriyas. The explanations I give in the first video are mine, they are how I have come to feel and know the mantras and kriyas. I encourage you to research the mantras so that you can find your own way into what they mean for you. The individual words are multi-layered to the extreme - there is no single 'interpretation.


Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo (repeat 3 times)

Aad Guray Nameh

Jugaad Guray Nameh
Sat Guray Nameh
Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh
(repeat 3 times)

Sa Ta Na Ma

Sat Nam

Sat Nam Sat Nam Wahe Guru Wahe Guru

Sat Nam (tune-out)

I originally recorded the videos on my iPhone, and am unable to upload them here although I can email a link to a drop box. If you are interested, email me at

If you aren't interested in the video, you can google each kriya for the specifics. There are videos available for every single one.

SMALL PRACTICE: for all kriyas, I suggest starting with one minute and working your way up to 3 minutes each. The last kriya can be done for 11 or 31 minutes.

1) Tune in.

2) Ego Eradicator
3) Addiction Meditation
4) Fists of Anger
5) Sat Kriya
6) Gyan Chakra Meditation
7) Tune out.

I suggest pausing between each kriya so that you can deepen into the beautiful energy you're creating. These small seven steps CAN CHANGE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. (AND NO I'M NOT EXAGGERATING). 

Try it, reject it, hate it, come back to it, find your way into loving it. Report back.

Blessings for a grand 2018!! 

All Love,


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