Greetings my Beloveds. I hope this finds you celebrating the new growth,
beauty and promise of abundance that Spring brings. Here on Westlake Island,
the roses are blooming as big as my face, in colors so saturated, cameras can’t
record them. Amazing what a long drink of water (after years of drought) does
for flowering plants, WOW!!
have moved out of Aries season and into Taurus. Aries is the first sign, the
top of the wheel, the thrust into form after the dream-state of Pisces. Aries
is the energy of spring; it takes an abundance of force to break through the
ground, from dark earth to pure sunlight. When the seed of our ever-evolving
self is ‘underground’, it’s gathering energy for the coming thrust as well as
dreaming the future by infusing the seed with desire; that desire literally
tells the seed how to bloom and what to bloom into. In Taurus, the newly
emerged plant grows deep roots. As it’s reaching upwards, it’s also reaching
downwards, stabilizing itself for a sustainable bloom. In Taurus, the dream
gets grounded for the long haul.
long known that this time on planet Earth would be a time of great upheaval, as
we took the collective concepts, structures and thought forms of the Patriarchy
(deeply nurtured by the lower aspects of the Piscean era) to their enth degree,
playing it out as far as it could possibly go. For me, electing a US President
who is so blatantly and unapologetically misogynist and racist/white supremist
is a pure demonstration of this. No more words needed on that. And as this last
wave of the Patriarchy reveals itself (in plain sight now, for we are in the
era of transparency thanks in part to technology), so also is the Feminine wave
gathering strength and momentum. The Feminine wave is not at all about feminine
versus masculine. The Feminine wave is about all humans reclaiming an understanding
and relationship with our feminine natures. The Feminine is inclusive,
non-hierarchical, holistic, creative, emotive, passionate, compassionate,
loving, real, grounded, holy, sacred. We have not been living in a world where
this energy was welcomed or celebrated. We’ve been living in an era where women (and men) were killed in horrible ways for daring to embody the Divine Feminine, for
expressing the immovable strength and boundless depth inherent in the Feminine.
The Feminine needed to be suppressed so that the Patriarchy could arise.
And clearly we all dreamed it into being collectively, for the lessons it
brought, in service to God’s evolution. And so we’ve been living – and adapting
– to a masculine-driven world in every sense of the word. Recently I saw a
snippet of footage that reminded me of something I would have seen in science
class as a kid. It was a time-lapse film of a tree blooming, with a man’s voice
narrating in the background, a very dry, factual explanation of Spring. It kind
of made me giggle because it was such an exclusively masculine expression. I
asked myself what a feminine version would look like and what came forward was
a classroom in a park, children leaning their backs against trees and
meditating, interacting with and celebrating the flowers, dancing around giving
thanks for the Sun, soil, rain, bees, wind and everything else that contributes
to the Earth’s rebirth each Spring. Giving thanks to the Earth for it’s
boundless bounty that feeds us, literally. Each child would have the
opportunity to express about how Spring was also happening inside of them, in
their own lives as well as in the collective. A sharing circle. This is the
Feminine. Probably the ‘right’ way to teach kids about Spring lies half-way
between these two paradigms, incorporating both energies. This is the new world
we seek to create – a balance of both.
do we serve this emerging paradigm? Let’s begin with how we don’t serve it – by
vilifying and emasculating the Masculine, or pounding a Feminine agenda into
their faces. So much of the ‘Women’s Liberation’ movement I witnessed as a girl
was about women embodying their masculine in order to gain a seat at the table
- Hillary Clinton comes to mind. That movement ultimately failed in truly
liberating women because as the end of the day, they were still women, trying
to win at a man’s game. The toxic feminine also plays the game, seeking to rise
by (covertly) engineering a Masculine fall. Forced underground for centuries,
the toxic feminine evolved into its lowest expression - creating drama rather
than possibilities, emasculating rather that coming up under in support,
gossiping and undermining one another, in competition for the male gaze. Vying
for rather than sharing power.
rise of the Divine Feminine is a much deeper engagement – it is the conscious
embodiment of the Feminine Principle, against nothing and no one, no
competition, no game. The Feminine rises alongside the Masculine, as its
necessary counterbalance and co-creator. This is a process that occurs
internally, within each of us; as we each forgive the toxic masculine within
ourselves, forgiveness reigns in the collective. As we each forgive the toxic
feminine within us, forgiveness reigns in the collective. As we locate,
remember and embody the Divine Feminine within us, the Divine Feminine reigns
in the collective, thus birthing the rise of the Divine Masculine, in ourselves
first, and then mirrored in the world. As women, we lead this era. It comes
through us as EVERYTHING IS BIRTHED THROUGH THE FEMININE. So we serve this by
doing Women’s work. We release our individual and collective anger from a sense
of responsibility, not victimhood. Nothing happened to us, we subscribed
to it energetically or we wouldn’t be here. We broaden our perspective as far
as we can, take in as much of the story as we can hold, acknowledge our part in
it, forgive ourselves and all other players, ground the anger into the earth
(as opposed to projecting it onto perceived ‘perpetrators’) and clear our
shit. And at the same time, we enter into a seriously committed
relationship with the Divine Feminine. We actively seek to understand and
embody the aspects of the Feminine Principle (see above) and we devote
ourselves to this relationship, understanding and holding its nature as holy
and sacred in our lives. We hold ourselves as holy and sacred. We learn to
emote, to dance, to invite in the fullness of any situation, softening our
bodies in the face of everything, so that our sacred hearts are leading – and
showing what Love does. We hold this pose regardless of what’s going on around
us. We hold this pose. And when enough of us are doing this, embodying
this frequency, allowing the Divine Feminine to flow through us into the world
like life-giving blood, the world will awaken. The sustained frequency will
demand it. In the blink of an eye, we will all know Oneness. In the blink of an
eye, we will be unable to harm one another, unable to harm Earth’s creatures,
unable to harm Earth itself. In the blink of an eye, Love will reign,
unequivocally. This is what we work towards. This is what we came for.
you want more information on the mechanics of how this works, read here http://www.wowzone.com/monkey.htm)
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