Thursday, January 23, 2020
Greetings Beloveds! Happy New Year, Happy New Decade, Happy New Life (almost). At this point you likely don’t need me to point out that the energy is insane right now. This is precisely the time I’ve been talking about all these years, when shit gets really real. Everything we’ve been pretending not to know is up in our faces, full blast. Everything we’ve tried to ignore has set up camp at the the end of our bed and it’s not moving until we address it. It’s like our own personal Occupy Movement. All the ways we check out no longer work, and in fact checking out makes everything seem even more pressurized if that’s possible. And concurrently, we’ve moved through one of the most intense eclipse portals of our lifetime to date. The portal technically ‘ends’ tomorrow with the New Moon in Aquarius however we will feel the effects in a very real way for at least six months.
This eclipse energy flattened me entirely. I knew it was hitting almost exact to my north/south nodes so I was expecting intensity – but holy moly!! I felt it for several days prior as a kind of gathering illness; within 15 minutes of the actual eclipse point on Christmas night, I felt such a compressive heaviness in my chest, I immediately went to bed; I didn’t get up for eight days. And even now, four weeks later, I’m only starting to regain my energy. This time, while challenging, has actually been an astoundingly beautiful recalibration, and for me it’s been all about healing the Mother Line, the generational trauma and wounding that winds itself – literally through the DNA – into every aspect of our lives. We are being called to connect to our tap root, where our lineage rises up from the soil, where the ground of our being resides. Many of us – particularly in the United States – are no longer connected to our ancestral lands, if we even know where those are. I was told my whole life that I was half Mexican but my DNA tells a different story. The more I connect in energetically to the lands of my ancestors, the more I can feel them, and the more I can feel my elemental self. So many of us experience ourselves through the lens of this single lifetime, made up of the stories we carry, our experiences, our accomplishments or failures. That’s only the tip of the iceburg – who we truly are lies below the surface, in the vast root system that includes every single ancestor in both our matrilineal and patrilineal lines. These lineages are connected deep into the Earth’s core, because we essentially rose up as a species out of the Earth. This year we are invited to return to the ground of our being, to experience ourselves from that unfathomable fullness, so that we can remember that we belong to the Earth. She is our Mother who births and feeds us from her body. We are called to return to the sweet embrace of our Mother who is everywhere, for our benefit and hers. We have been lost in the wilderness of forgetting for long enough. Time to come in from the cold and warm ourselves at the hearth (heart) center of our sweet Mother, who has never turned away from us, not even for a moment.
2020 will continue to reveal the hidden rot at the heart of many of our revered structures (think Major League Baseball) and in our relationships, so that they can be transformed by the light of truth. It’s going to be intense for the duration. It is absolutely crucial that we take good care of ourselves so that we can weather the changes without being pulled under. It’s heavy, ya’ll. It’s work. We need to be spiritual athletes now – dedicated to training, as well as recovery. Go easy, take it as it comes – and surrender, surrender, SURRENDER. Fighting the tide is absolutely pointless and will only deplete us further. Understand that this year is a Medicine Year beyond comprehension. We must take the medicine, and it will heal us.
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