Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer of Love

Late Summer Greetings! You all have been fully on my mind and in my heart and I can feel so much moving within each of you – life is so very big right now isn’t it?? Thankfully, we have been aware and even anticipating these times of big change, so that we can make the most of it. The energies of this summer are huge and one of the newsletters I follow (Dr. Michael Lennox) calls this the “Summer of Love.” We are being busted open, heart-first it seems. And all of the changes give us such great opportunities to expand ourselves into a higher caliber of Love, to create a life that is more in line with our higher selves. For me, my life feels a fig that has been turned inside out. All those years (decades, lifetimes) of forming in the dark and now the time is ripe, the fig is split open and all that was in darkness is starkly right there in front of me. I can allow myself to become overwhelmed and look away, casting myself into even deeper shadow, or I can stand in the face of it and just be. I choose the latter and I am finding such a beautiful place of acceptance and stillness with it. I am seeing myself, truly, deeply, from an unfettered vantage point for perhaps the first time in this lifetime. I am also seeing myself perfectly reflected in the world around me – every face, every heart, every situation and place. It is beautifully humbling and empowering – and exceedingly simple. What a gift.

The prevailing energies I am focusing on is Venus’s movement through the skies during July, August and the beginning of September. All of Venus’s motion during these months creates a ‘perfect storm’ of movement for us, exposing new levels of personal truth, showing us ways to expand into that truth and then helping us to manifest it here in the 3D. Aside from astounding symmetries/geometries that amplify and supercharge the full and new moons during this time, Venus also entered her retrograde period – July 25th through September 6th.  Venus in retrograde gives us a chance to turn within, to examine all the lessons on Love that have been pouring into our experience since early July and to see what we have learned. How are we interacting with Love and Abundance in our lives? Where are we in our capacity to give and receive these gifts? If we work consciously with the energies, we can expand our capacity to experience Love and to live in and from the heart. Living from the heart means being entirely present to what is without judgment or resistance.  Just being with what is as it comes, bringing our whole-hearted attention to what is right in front of us. When we judge it by labeling it, making up stories or building cases to prove our righteousness, we are experiencing life through the filter of the mind. Likewise when we resist it by pushing it away or burying it (I don’t want to experience/feel/know this). In this way we live life through the filter of what we DON’T want and are constantly draining ourselves through the energy leak of resistance.  Living from the heart is like walking with a giant YES to everything, understanding that the world we see we have solely created for our learning and highest good. EVERY SINGLE THING is our own good showing up for us, period. When we embody this knowing, we can live in absolute acceptance – and gratitude - of all experiences and feelings. When the shit hits the fan as it will, we can say, “OK. Wow. What is this for? Why is this in my movie? What am I to learn/see here?” We can be in life from an empowered place, bringing all of our wisdom, skills, talents and ATTENTION to finding solutions and avenues for our next highest expression.  

On Friday, August 14th, we have the New Moon in Leo and this is a WILDLY powerful one! The energies are about deepening the lessons activated by Venus in early July; when we add the new moon energy into this already potent cauldron of heart-opening mojo, a great window of newness and expansion is at hand. Consider doing ceremony at the New Moon, preferably using fire (in a nod to Leo) and using this time to create/set/manifest your desires around Love and Sexuality. Also consider using creative expression as ceremony – dance, sing, paint, however your heart directs you!

A theme for reflection this month is “How Is Your Love Life?” This means Love and Relationship in all forms – to a partner, family members, friends and most importantly with your self and your life. What is Love asking of you? How is it teaching and/or stretching you? How can you say YES to Love even more? You can write about this, talk about it with your loved ones or simply let the questions be with you. Ultimately you already know the answers and the questions are an invitation from you to you, to step into a more conscious engagement with Love. Everything we are, can be and will be is already right here, encoded into the filaments of our earthly and spiritual being. Now is a good time to decide to step up into a bigger you. Let go of all the crap you do to hold yourself back from truly thriving. Say yes to yourself and the entire cosmos conspires to support you!!

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