Greetings Friends! This month finds me taking a deep breath in gratitude
for the tremendous leap in consciousness we were afforded this eclipse season. We are
different creatures on this side of that engagement, regardless of how we
participated. Our hearts are freer, more awake and available to us. It's
crucial that we are constantly tuning in with our hearts; we can do this
deeply, in meditation, and as a matter of course throughout the day. I use
conscious breathing and tapping (physically tapping on my chest) for regular
reminders that yes, here is my heart, I am here.
We have a major opportunity now to permanently shift our operating system to one that is guided and led by the heart. We can foster this shift by noticing the difference between how a thought or choice made with the head feels as opposed to one that is inspired and brought forth from the infinite cosmos that is our heart. The heart is our literal and figurative wisdom seat, and it is boundless; it knows all and has much to teach us. Try looking at your life situations through the ‘eyes’ of your heart and see what new perspective it offers. See your loved ones and indeed all beings through the eyes of love, looking past appearance, into the infinite heart of each being. You may see yourself there, as a beautiful reflection of Oneness for truly we are all one grand and infinite Consciousness that constantly expands, in an act of loving self-discovery, as each being, each life. When we judge or harm others, we judge and harm ourselves. The same care we give to our most deeply beloved we must also give to ourselves, for ultimately we are our beloved. For me, this is the only path forward – fierce and profound self-love for it is through this engagement that I am liberated into a life created from the fabric of Wholeness and Joy that is not bound by circumstance. It is through this liberation that I deliver the fullness of my own unique gifts to this world. We have each come to weave our singular genius into this transcendent tapestry of Being; let us allow our hearts to lead us through this sacred engagement.
We have a major opportunity now to permanently shift our operating system to one that is guided and led by the heart. We can foster this shift by noticing the difference between how a thought or choice made with the head feels as opposed to one that is inspired and brought forth from the infinite cosmos that is our heart. The heart is our literal and figurative wisdom seat, and it is boundless; it knows all and has much to teach us. Try looking at your life situations through the ‘eyes’ of your heart and see what new perspective it offers. See your loved ones and indeed all beings through the eyes of love, looking past appearance, into the infinite heart of each being. You may see yourself there, as a beautiful reflection of Oneness for truly we are all one grand and infinite Consciousness that constantly expands, in an act of loving self-discovery, as each being, each life. When we judge or harm others, we judge and harm ourselves. The same care we give to our most deeply beloved we must also give to ourselves, for ultimately we are our beloved. For me, this is the only path forward – fierce and profound self-love for it is through this engagement that I am liberated into a life created from the fabric of Wholeness and Joy that is not bound by circumstance. It is through this liberation that I deliver the fullness of my own unique gifts to this world. We have each come to weave our singular genius into this transcendent tapestry of Being; let us allow our hearts to lead us through this sacred engagement.
me personally, right now is also a time of deep release. As I delve further
into the chasm of my opened heart, enormous waves of grief have been rising up
and moving through my system. I have learned to simply honor what comes forth,
without being caught up in any story or reasons or grasping for understanding.
I just allow it to come and go unhindered. This week’s full moon has
been my perfect companion for this work…
Next month our highest consciousness (represented by the sun) will move into Scorpio and we will begin another intense round of alchemical transformation. For now, I'm resting in the calm of deeply knowing all is well. My path is prepared before me with the same Perfection that creates and sustains all worlds. Right here is exactly right.
May yours and all hearts know Peace, and may we reflect our deepest love to ourselves and each other.
All love <3
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