Wednesday, September 9, 2015

September's Big Ya'll

Hello Beautiful Ones! If you find this too much information, just skip to the Overview at the bottom; it will give you a general idea of what to expect and tips for navigation. If you want to dive deep, read on…

 September is upon us and I trust this finds you plumbing the depths of your emotional tides, as the energies of late have us taking a profound dive into the ocean of our deepest and often hidden feelings. We have been with a Venus retrograde cycle (July 25-September 6) which has offered us the knowing of where our hearts need excavation and opening and perhaps shown us those places in us where fear, inhibition and survival-mode tactics like manipulation live in us. Venus retrograde gives us an opportunity to cast an open-hearted glance into our own depths, to perhaps let that which is hard to know about ourselves bubble up to be loved (always loved up first!) and then integrated and released. Or if not to be released, to be accepted and gently held within the offering bowl of our own hearts. When we can hold the dark, ugly parts of ourselves with the fullness of our compassion and acceptance, we expand our ability to hold each other, to hold the world, to dissolve our illusion of separation and live from the exquisite vantage-point of Oneness.

 Venus retrograde also offers us a deeper look at our relationships with loved ones, past or present. Much may have come to light during this cycle and now we have the chance to integrate it with the first eclipse of this ‘eclipse season’ (which happens every September/October), a partial solar eclipse on the New Moon. For us in Southern California, it will begin on September 12th at 9:40pm, peak at 11:52pm and complete at 2:05am on September 13th. While this partial eclipse will not be visible to much of the world, we can tune-in at that time to work with the energies. We can ask ourselves what the lessons have been – What have we learned about Love, Intimacy and Sexuality? How are we interacting with Abundance, Creativity and Heart-Centered Living? As we know, eclipses are rare moments when the constant blast of the Sun’s energy is interrupted, creating an integration moment, like rebooting your computer, when all the upgrades you have downloaded for the past months become integrated into the system and are now usable. All of the knowledge you have been absorbing since the Spring Equinox in March becomes known to you – and if you work with it consciously, it can evolve into wisdom as you roll it out in your experience.

 Another major player this month is Saturn, who will move out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius. Saturn, the Great Teacher, has been largely in Scorpio for almost 3 years; when he enters Sagittarius on the 17th, we will finally be free of the intense and unrelenting lessons happening in the deep underbelly of our emotional bodies. Sagittarius is a gentler and more extroverted energy; Saturn’s lessons will be more visible in the outer world and will likely feel kinder. That’s major good news!! And to add to this already stacked geometry, Mercury will go retrograde on the same day and remain there until October 9th. Mercury represents the mind; when it is turned inward during its retrograde cycle, the outer world can appear a bit wonky. During this inward turn, we will have yet another opportunity to review our relationships through the lens of the mind. Go deep, use this time to journal and really investigate your inner workings with regards to how you interact with others. Do you give whole-heartedly? Do you allow yourself to receive? Do you attach strings to giving or receiving? Do you honor yourself by saying No when appropriate? Do you allow yourself to be fully known/held/loved? This work will pay off in spades after the New Moon of October 12th that ends the eclipse wormhole and signals the beginning of the next major cycle of our collective conscious awakening.

 And speaking of wormholes, this one happens under the influence of Libra. The energies of Libra are about Balance and Harmony, Relationships (again, seeing a pattern??) and the Mirrored Consciousness or As Within, So Without. This means that the world you see around you is merely a reflection of the world that exists inside of you. If you want to shift/transform the world you see, you must first take your seeing inward and shift yourself. The world will then reflect that change back to you. This wormhole will offer us the opportunity to work with the energy of Balance with regards to the Masculine and Feminine principles. We can deepen our experience of knowing when it is appropriate to be still (feminine) and when to act (masculine). Being balanced does not mean we are a mish-mash of both energies; rather it means we know when to be fully in one or the other, allowing them to inform one another as the process of our lives unfolds. For instance, we can let the inspired idea of what wants to reveal as our lives sit in the dark stillness of the feminine principle, being nourished by our dreaming and attention to it, and when the time is ripe (we will know this if we are listening), activating our masculine principle to take steps in the 3D to bring the dream to fruition. All along the way, we can tune in (feminine) with the dream/idea to allow it to continue to inform what the next action steps will be. With regards to Libra’s influence, at the bottom of the newsletter, I’ve listed how each sign will likely be affected by the doings of September, courtesy of Dr. Michael Lennox. Read both your sun and rising signs as you are influenced by both. As an end cap, the Sun moves into Libra at the end of September, allowing all the openings of the wormhole to be integrated into the highest consciousness. This geometry is absolutely breathtaking in its symmetry!! Eons ago, when we set these spheres in motion, we wrote incredibly beautiful equations into specific epochs and cycles and years and months, designed to give us enormous experiences of awakening through tectonic shifts in consciousness. This month is one of those rare beauties..

 And then we have the Fall Equinox on September 23rd, at 1:22am. This is a Balance point, when the Earth is neither tilting towards or away from the Sun, but ‘upright’ in full congress with the highest consciousness. This coincides with the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when we release all the heavy energies of the previous year. During the weeks prior, with Rosh Hashanah, we are examining ourselves with regards to who we were in the world and the Equinox is the forgiveness/release moment, bringing us back into balance and alignment with our highest ideal for our lives. This self-examination demands that we change, that we release all that is petty, unjust and small within us. It demands that we incorporate the lessons of our mistakes and missteps and enter the new year better. It’s a great practice and one I look forward to engaging with again this year.

 Following the Jewish High Holidays, we have another integration moment at the full lunar eclipse on the Full ‘Blood’ Moon on September 27th, which will be mostly visible to us! This one begins at 5:11pm (not visible at that time), is full at 7:11pm (visible by then) and ends at 10:22pm. A full eclipse means the re-boot is a system-wide event, a grand integration that portends a significant up-leveling of consciousness, both individual and collective (for one is the other). I will be watching the eclipse and spending that time in meditation, prayer and ceremony…perhaps this is something you may want to consider for yourself. It’s a very potent portal!

 And now we must talk about the Black Moon Lilith that we moved into on September 4th (in Libra!) and will be with for a nine month cycle. This energy is about the inner Feminine space between the Earth and the Moon and its occurrence here increases the power and impact of the wormhole. Lilith represents the shadow side of the Feminine creative principle – think Kali (the Destroyer), or Pele. If we don’t have knowledge or a working relationship with our shadow, it will rule our lives. During these next nine months in Libra, this will play out in relationships. We can expect all kinds of shifts happening in this arena. If the shadow is running the show, it will likely be rough waters. If we work with and integrate the shadow, there is room for tremendous change. Our best bet is to be willing to really see ourselves, absolutely stripped of our story, naked, vulnerable, willing to surrender our fears and doubts (stop letting the shadow run things), so that we can step into what we actually are – infinite, powerful creators. We must shift ourselves from the density of thinking we are everything that has ever happened in our lives to the blatant Truth that at our core, we are pure and whole, always have been, always will be. That other stuff is just the story of this dimension and it’s an illusion. It’s time to wake up and be Light, be Love. If you don’t know where to find that, go within. Connect to the Truth that IT’S LITERALLY WHAT YOU’RE MADE OF. (So start acting like it).


September is likely to be an ass-kicker. You may feel like the world’s gone crazy. You may feel like you’re in emotional no-mans-land, where you do not understand the rules and everything is super stretchy in all directions. It may be a good idea to throw away all you know and just be present with what is and allow it to inform you how to best navigate it. This would also be a good time to find a solid space inside yourself, to know that you are your own safe place, security and stability. YOU ARE YOUR OWN HOME. It’s definitely time to lean heavily into your daily practices, for your tools will need to be sharpened to navigate the chaos and destruction that is likely to show up all over the joint. Sleep, eat well, take really good care of yourself, spend time in water. At the first eclipse, old wounds may resurface to be released or to be repeated. Be present and aware so your outcome can be release if you’re ready for that. At the Equinox, find your way into Balance, however that looks for you. Be a detective to discover all the ways your life is out of balance. Do what it takes to make it right again. Another theme of this month is incorporating lessons; take what you’ve learned thus far this year and put them into action. Do things differently. CHANGE. At the end of the month, with the full lunar eclipse, dive deep into knowing that you must meet your own needs. It’s your most important charge right now. Starting now (actually a while ago) your relationships are going to be in the spotlight big time. If you are still acting unconsciously, your darkest parts are going to lead you around by the nose. Realize you are dark and light, integrate that shit and take charge of yourself. Place yourself at the center of your consciousness (eyes on your own paper) and get your act together. You are all things, the full spectrum. You get to choose which lens to look through – may as well chose Light, it feels better.

 SUN & RISING SIGNS: Where you are in relationship to Libra and how that might affect you:

 Aries – You will experience it as an Opposition, which means you will be forced to deal with challenging aspects/experiences. You will be confronted with things that will force you to change. Congratulations!

 Taurus & Pisces: You are dealing with an Inconjunct, the Great Eliminator. You will have to make choices as to what you will leave behind be it a relationship, job, pattern, etc.

 Gemini & Aquarius: You will be in a Trine, an open flow of energy which may feel overwhelming. You will be doing lots of big processing due to the enormous amount of energy flowing through.

 Cancer & Capricorn: You will experience this energy as a Square, which means change will come through conflict.

 Leo & Sagittarius: This will be a productive, creative energy for you. You will need to show up consciously to receive the lessons/openings. (Otherwise it will largely pass you by).

 Libra: Intensity. Intensity. Intensity. That’s all.

 Virgo & Scorpio: Also intense, but not necessarily personally. It may just be all around you.

That's all. Know that I am holding you in the tender space of Grace, Ease, Flow and Allowing.
All Love.

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