Summer Blessings my Beloveds!
Well, we’re in full bloom here aren’t we? For some of us,
this could mean full-blown frustration, aggravation and confusion, for others,
life may be humming along beautifully. While the overarching energy for 2017
points towards new beginnings and action-oriented, fast manifestation cycles,
we’ve had two eclipses occur in February within somewhat agitated geometries
and many planets in retrograde, which can lend itself toward challenges. As I
study the retrogrades of Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto, a common
theme emerges – one of going back into our past and clearing stuff up. This
includes things we haven’t yet allowed ourselves to see or acknowledge, as well
as those we have. We are constantly changing and evolving which offers us
(hopefully) an ever broadening perspective. Under the influences of these
planetary retrogrades, we have the opportunity to go back into events from our
past and re-do how we integrated them, what meaning we assigned them, why/how/where
we stored them in our emotional bodies. The two upcoming retrogrades of Uranus
and Neptune further support this work. So how do we go about this?
For me personally, I’ve been revisiting a timeline I wrote in 2011, as part of the Modern Day Priestess training program. I wrote down whatever memory or association that popped up for every year I’ve been alive. (This was no small undertaking). Some years are blank and others are pretty thick with clues to my psyche. I have also been revisiting old journals, which allows me to discern patterns and offer a fresh perspective on old ‘issues’. Some stuff simply melts away the moment I read about it which is an interesting sensation because it shows me how I store stuff in my energetic field even after I have emotionally resolved it. Apparently, we need to go back and also clear the imprint of it after resolution, like clearing smoke from a room. I have also been tuning in with my lineage in meditation and this is proving very rich. Whole cities of buried treasure revealing. We are so much more than we imagine.
July 1st, fast approaching, is the mid-point of the Gregorian calendar and we can use this energy to pause and decide what the second half of the year can be about. The multi-layered challenges should ease and we’ll have more access to the action-oriented creation patterns this year promised. What are you creating? Is it more of the suffering you’ve always created? Are you ready for something new? Then look back and clear the patterns of suffering you’ve been creating, because you’ve got to see them, hold them, love them, and integrate them before you can release them. And release brings a clarity and space for new creation patterns. If you are struggling to release something, you haven’t completed the pre-work; keep looking at it from as many different angles as you can manage, be like a private investigator and make it your main objective to find out. Once you’ve uncovered as much as you can hold, move on to the work of knowing it about yourself/owning it without judgement and then integrating it. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, reach out to a skilled facilitator who can lead you through it (I am one of those and also know many of those.
Now is the time to do this work, when the wind is at your back.
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