Thursday, August 17, 2017


I know. It's all about the eclipses. Even if you don't know what I'm talking about right now, trust me - your life has been all about the eclipses. So every single year two lunar and two solar eclipses happen and some years there is an extra one, giving us five total. Simply put, eclipses are cosmic alignments wherein the earth casts a shadow on the moon or the moon casts a shadow on the sun. They are also portals, potent windows of vastly increased energy wherein we can achieve some major energetic shifting. Every eclipse is 'governed' by the geometries made by the movements of celestial bodies during the portal, which runs roughly from a full moon lunar eclipse (August 4th) to a new moon solar eclipse (August 21st). We don't often get total eclipses of the sun as we have this month, an event that further heightens the already gigantic energies.

I have been looking at the implications of these eclipses all year as they tend to be auspicious periods of rapid spiritual growth for me. I ride the cosmic energies like a surfer, squeezing every bit of  opening, releasing, and transformation I can out of it. I go way in. The energies this year are so vast, so profound and multi-layered that I have been sitting (and sitting) with how to condense it all into this little ole newsletter for ya'll. How can I present it with any sense of manageability, without your eyeballs rolling back into your head two minutes in? And the answer has been I can't, which is why this didn't present itself weeks ago. I even considered leaving you to your own devices by sending a newsletter that simply said "I'm in too deep to speak, Google 'Eclipses August 2017'. Good luck, see you on the other side." Seriously. 

But then in my own practice, while doing a yoga class with Guru Jagat, she layed down the single most beautiful teaching about the eclipses, one that was so simple and elegant that I immediately determined to share it with you. Banished were thoughts of Jupiter and Uranus, and fire, fire, fire, and Vesta and the Divine Feminine and power dynamics and Mercury and air, and words and more words. It all suddenly became so simple and obvious. Here in a nutshell, here is what she said: 

This total eclipse of the sun happening on August 21st - really the jewel of the season - is about change at a cellular level. It is considered a 'Particle Convergence', linked to the Harmonic Convergence that occurred during the summer eclipse season of 1987. A new stream of thought (that would change the course of history) was layed down by the awakened ones on the planet at that time and this eclipse is the second movement of that thought stream. What it means to you and me is we have the opportunity to change our lives drastically by simply allowing our negative, destructive patterns and selves (from lifetimes and lineages) to fall away and not exist within us anymore, just GONE. And we don't have to do anything for this to happen except to conduct ourselves positively. During this heightened energetic time, it's imperative that we think and act constructively towards ourselves, holding only our strengths and amplifying them again and again. Be friendly to yourself, continually looking out for your highest and best interests, the best use of your time, the best treatment of your body, mind and soul. Be your own soul-mate, develop a deep and loving stream of communication with yourself, do your best by you. Always. With every choice, every breath. Protect your mind from negativity, whatever that is for you. Maybe that means turning away from media and towards whatever brings you peace. Align yourself with a different, positive Reality.

And here is the really really good part: Reality is whatever gives you energy. Non-reality is whatever drains energy from you. And you have a choice in every moment, as the 10,000 thoughts per second run through your mind, you choose which one to focus on. Choose the one that gives you the most energy.

This is brilliant in it's simplicity.

Here's what it looks like in the real world: This morning as I was registering my daughter for 11th grade, I realized she had been put in the wrong Spanish class, despite my weeks of effort in getting her schedule right, the weeks of back and forth with the counselor, who appears to know significantly less about the school's programs than me. Ultimately I hand fed her the schedule and she still 'messed it up'. As I returned to the counseling office yet again, I was in default mode, thinking, "Oh my gawd, why can't this woman just do her job? It feels like I'm out here all alone, trying to figure out this rather complicated program with no help and if I blow it, the stakes are really high." This thought was definitely draining my energy. And then I remembered what Reality is; when I scanned for the thought that would bring me the most energy, it was, "This woman is dealing with hundreds of students, all with differing needs and hundreds of courses, each with their own nuances and that must be a very difficult job. She's probably been working incredibly long hours for weeks, and she simply put the wrong code into the system. It's easily fixable and all is well." My energetic field shifted instantly and profoundly. Because I could feel the truth in that Reality. I've done it multiple times today and it's already becoming a habit. Wow. And, BOOM. 

So more good news, if you're feeling like you're losing your mind and your life has become a shit show because every negative thought you've ever held has come roaring back presenting itself as Truth, you can blame the eclipses! They are bringing up all the stinky muck, whether it's hidden, dealt with, released, whatever, it's baaaaack. And it isn't you; the portal has simply reactivated the energy so that it's 'up' in the field. So you can just turn your head, ignore, and scan for the thought that brings you the most energy.

Leading up to the eclipse, consider doing ceremony or ritual, wherein you give yourself permission/declare your intention to release whatever does not serve your Dharma (that which you came here to do, the Soul's path.) You do not need to get specific because it's very likely you aren't even aware of all you're shedding, so be general about it. Since it's also a New Moon, you can align with that angle of energy by setting intentions for the coming decade, as in GO BIG. For me personally, I'm doing a long yoga practice every day leading up to the 21st, lots of meditation and body work, whatever I can do to keep my mojo high, consistent and stable so that I can ride and use the energy instead of getting leveled by it. During the actual eclipse, it's a good idea to be in water, which could even be a bath before/after. Also, move - dance, twerk, whatever allows energy to move. And of course protect your eyes with eclipse glasses. SUNGLASSES ARE NOT ENOUGH.

Lastly, the shifts that happen within/because the portal will integrate slowly in September, after Mercury's direct retrograde ends on September 5th. It should be a kind and gentle integration and it won't be fully over until Winter Solstice in December. I'm looking forward to seeing us on the other side, all dapper and glowing in our newfound bestie love relationship with ourselves. We can be lighter, more energetic and just, well, happier. A beneficial presence on the planet. Because why the hell else are we here?

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