Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Greetings Beautiful Ones! We've got a lot of astrological weather happening so let's jump right in. First I want to say that Astrology is simply a wheel (within a wheel within a wheel within a wheel...) of cycles that we can use to map our lives, short term and long term. We can also look to these constantly-generating patterns for clues about the human evolutionary journey both in this lifetime and across many generations and millennia. Time was when we lived by cycles for our very existence, but in the span of a few hundred years, we've largely removed ourselves from this knowledge. Cycles are like roadmaps - they let us know where we've been, where we are, where we're going and which roads are best to deliver us to our intended destination. Cycles provide the framework (and mirror) for how this Reality plays itself out; if we pay attention and use this information to our advantage, our work is amplified and even exalted. Every year around my birthday I get a 'Solar Return' reading with my favorite astrologer, which helps me to know what the major themes of the coming year are for me, what to expect, how to best work with the energies. It also helps me understand how current cycles feed future ones, so that I can prepare for the long-term themes my life will be presenting me.

A major astrological marker for the collective appeared last week, when Uranus moved from Aries into Taurus, beginning a seven-year cycle that suggests a period of upheaval, turmoil and sudden shifts - mainly in the areas of technology, finance and the Earth itself. We're already seeing this play out in an obvious way with the Kilauea eruption in Hawaii. Uranus changes signs every seven years and in Aries, it was all youthful enthusiasm, sprinting towards change at any cost, burning down one house before building another. In Taurus, it's more grounded and plodding (think lava flow) but rest assured, change will happen - initiating in bursts that are sudden and shocking, in ways that shift the very landscape of everything. Uranus loves change, loves the lightning flash of awakening while Taurus hates it, preferring everything to remain static. Taurus is also very capable and a legendary problem solver, so at least the craziness ahead will be ultimately well-managed and grounded. And it's likely not going to feel great. To give you a sense of scale, the last time Uranus transited Taurus, the Stock market crashed, ushering in the Great Depression. And World War II happened. Now that doesn't mean the same will happen again; today's world is vastly different than it was eighty-some years ago so the energy will likely play itself out in different ways. It will be big though, and world changing. 

What to do with this? I'm not even going to answer that question because I've answered it ad nauseam. Ok, I'll answer it again. CREATE A DAILY PRATICE THAT ACTIVATES AND SERVES YOUR HIGHEST SELF AND DO THE PRACTICE. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. This will allow you to be operating at your highest frequency, so that when the shit gets all around wonky, you will have the wherewithal to stand in the face of the change, fear, discomfort, pain or _________ and simply be with it without crumbling. Or, if a response is required, you will clearly see what Right Action is in that moment (your absolute best response) and have the grit to DO IT. When you function regularly from this place, you're telling the Universe, "Um, I'm an effing Master" and the Universe is all "Right, got it, let me usher you along the Master's path." And I'm not saying that life will become all sweetness and roses because that's not realistic, however life will feel good. Even when it doesn't. 

Another potent astrological event occurred last month when Chiron - the wounded healer - moved from Pisces into Aries, where it will largely remain until 2026. The wounded healer refers to someone like me, who in my endless quest to heal my own wounds, realized I now have the capacity to usher others along the road towards their own healing. Chiron heals itself; now that it's left the watery, foggy, dreamy lands of Pisces, the fire and light of Aries will allow our wounded places to become very clear to us, as will our ability and responsibility to heal ourselves. While we can look to others for markers along the path, our true healing can only come from within. Healing, like Happiness, is an inside job.

I'm personally already experiencing the lightning bolts of self-healing. A few days ago I saw in an instant the truth of a friendship I've had for years wherein I gave my power away to this friend within moments of meeting her. My very first thought was that her consciousness was amazing, so much bigger than mine so from that moment, I took everything she said as true, even when it didn't jive with my own inner knowing. Through the years when she would tell me things about me, I would believe it without question, thinking "I must not be subtle enough to feel what she feels", or "I must be blind so I can't see what she sees." And then, in a lightning flash of insight, I had a full body experience of "FUCK NO SHE IS NOT RIGHT ABOUT ME." When I allowed that thought to settle, I saw how I have been using her to sabotage myself for years, based on a dynamic I set up in the first five minutes of knowing her. WOW!! And when I reclaimed myself from that relationship, my energetic field grew noticeably bigger. I had two consecutive nights of incredible dream-time, where I was taught more about the nature of Energy, how it flows, how to wield it and how to share these teachings with the world. WOW again.

So my friends, do your practices, do your work. Examine your relationships. Are they based on mutual respect and equal footing or have you given yourself away? Has someone given their power to you and do you unconsciously take advantage of that? Remember when you do this work it's never about the other person - your work is to examine your part in it. Their part is their business. Your work is YOU. Go through all your close relationships with family, friends, bosses, work-mates, mentors, etc. Where you've given yourself away, take yourself back. Forgive yourself and others and gently release that agreement. Create in its place a dynamic of understanding that we are all infinitely valuable, bringing our different gifts to the Whole. Each gift is precious and cannot be compared to another. 

You are precious - to me, to the world, to Life itself.

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