Saturday, October 20, 2018


And I'm back! I wasn't even entirely clear that I was gone, except when I did try to log-in to Blogger several times over the past months to post, it didn't work and I lacked sufficient motivation to follow through. There was simply too much vying for my attention and I was using the whole of my energy to surf the gigantically potent cosmic portals, the slipping time streams, dimensional overlaps and stuff like that. Gratitude and blessings to all those that kept up their practices of informing us of the cosmic weather - it was a long, seemingly never-ending report of trauma, upheaval and transformation. I repeatedly had the urge to post: "Grab a life preserver, keep breathing and let's check back in come late December." Because seriously.

S E R I O U S L Y.

Spring 2018 feels about three lifetimes ago and the galactic transformational shifts continue. Among multiple potent geometries, we're in Venus Retrograde until November 16. Venus began covering her shadow territory (this is like her first pass over what she will be 'contemplating' during her turn inward) in Scorpio with a powerful influence of Mars (our body/life) in Aquarius (the new way) and Uranus (change at any cost) in Taurus (persistent, plodding change), all in a Square formation, which creates oppositional forces that move us out of complacency and into action. On one side of the square, we had the Divine Masculine going about its business figuring out a new definition of what it means to be a man/masculine in this emerging paradigm - and how to incorporate consciousness and compassion into the way forward. On the other side of the square was Venus in Scoprio, digging into the Underworld, the Shadow, revealing more hidden aspects of power, sexuality and the desires of the Feminine, and how those desires have been repressed and stomped on for countless generations. The shiz, it is rising up out of the basement again. And so Venus - with Uranus staring her down - says 'Not so fast Divine Masculine. You can't move forward until this shiz is dealt with."

Hmmmm. Sound familiar with regards to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavaunaugh?  When Dr. Ford kicked open the basement door, a new, subtler level of the collective feminine trauma was exposed and we were reminded, 'Oh right, just because I wasn't technically raped doesn't mean I wasn't traumatized.' And the Masculine had to face yet another unsavory depth of truth around it's entrenched blind eye and inherent rape-y culture. And maybe just possibly, an imperative to stop hiding behind the smoke screen of "I did not have sex with that woman." Cosmically, we are all being held responsible for our actions, regardless of what side of Right Relationship they fall under. If we have perpetrated wrong action, we are called to make amends - if we do, we have the opportunity to liberate ourselves into an entirely new level of authenticity, wherein we live with a broader truth of what we are, warts, wings and all. We get to move forward with this expanded consciousness, creating who we are with each breath, choice and action. And through this portal we ultimately find our way back into Self-Love, which allows us to truly love one another. Both the Feminine and Masculine need deep, authentic love in order to move forward collectively healed. 

If we fail this particular Earth School test, and don't take responsibility for our mistakes of the past, we fall further into constriction, into dis-ease, into a paradigm of density and falsity, because we literally can't see ourselves and how our actions hurt others. Seen any paradigms of density and falsity lately? I would say our national political system has moved from falsity to farce and we all play along as if it's somehow real.

Dr. Ford took responsibility for her experience when she came forward and spoke up. In the days following, thousands of people began telling their long-held stories of abuse and trauma. This is what it is was for; it was never about whether Brett Kavanaugh would be confirmed as a life-long justice of the highest court in the land. We all know that game (and whole system) is rigged. It was about the act of speaking up, opening the basement door and telling our hard truths; the ones that are so dark we can barely look or stomach them. Collectively we are growing subtler and stronger - we're waking the f up and we're TALKING ABOUT IT. 

This is the most excellent way to move through this Venus Retrograde; allowing ourselves to embody those deep Scorpion depths and then express what we see and feel. It's important to support ourselves entirely throughout, with meditation, baths, yoga, inquiry/journaling, communing with soul family, deep committed self-care. So much can and will be revealed if we commit to the process. For me personally, much is being revealed in the dreamtime in the form of lucid dreams that feel like repressed memories. I can tell immediately they're important by their feel and how I awake fully engaged with the emotion and energetic. I'm remembering (hopefully, fingers crossed) the deepest depths of my three and five year old self, losing first my grandmother and then my mother. I wake up right in the loss and it's astoundingly beautiful to allow myself to feel that little one's ocean of grief.

As I write this I'm in Sedona with my two older sisters on our annual Sister Bonding Weekend. We live in three different states and we come together once a year to commune. Our time is always rife with laughter and tears; this year the laughter is reaching entirely new depths and the medicine in that is profound. It's allowing us to cycle through the layered, crackling energetic of our collective field and lineage and release it. The land here is so welcoming, I feel it receive this energy with deep gratitude for our work. And of course we are entirely supported by our ancestors - their presence is so strong I am near constantly integrating the shifts. 

So it's a beautiful time to be woke on Earth. We all agreed to be here because we are. When we bend our will toward surrender to our highest path, we are bourn on the wings of angels.  

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